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  • brentwilliams2 Friend

    Currently, an employer can choose to either use the internal application system within the job board, or they can enter a link to have the job seeker apply somewhere else. If they enter a link, and the job seeker hits “Apply”, it just opens up some text at the bottom of the page with the link. In my opinion, this extra step for the job seeker isn’t needed, and it is somewhat confusing for them. So this hack will make the “Apply” button send the job seeker directly to the employer’s website.

    In views/jajobs/tmpl/jaview.php, find this code:

    <?php if (count(array_intersect(explode(', ', $this->item->apply_type),explode(', ', $jbconfig['posts']->get('apply_option'))))>0&&count(explode(', ', $this->item->apply_type))==1&&$this->item->apply_type=='1'&&(substr($this->item->direct_url,0,7)=='http://' || substr($this->item->direct_url,0,8)=='https://')) : ?>
    <a class="btn-function" target="_blank" href="<?php echo $this->item->direct_url; ?>">
    <span style="vertical-align: top !important;text-decoration:underline;"><?php echo JText::_('APPLY'); ?> For This Job</span>

    And replace with this:

    <?php if ($this->item->apply_type=='1'&&(substr($this->item->direct_url,0,7)=='http://' || substr($this->item->direct_url,0,8)=='https://')) : ?>
    <a class="btn-function" target="_blank" href="<?php echo $this->item->direct_url; ?>" rel="nofollow">
    <span style="vertical-align: top !important;text-decoration:underline;"><?php echo JText::_('APPLY'); ?> For This Job</span>

    (As a side note, this functionality was already in place for the most part – just wasn’t working… So maybe this should be considered a bug fix?)

    IMPORTANT NOTE: I just realized this may not work for everybody. I instruct my employers to select only one of the apply options, so they select EITHER to use the internal apply system OR enter a link. If the employer selects both of these options, then this code will likely not work. (On the bright side, I believe it will just revert to the standard functionality, so it won’t completely “break”. I don’t think it will, at least… 😉

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