test melih
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  • emyk Friend

    How do I modify the “Access denied. You don’t have permission message.”

    I get this message when I click Latest Resume.

    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear emyk

    You can edit the error message by edit language file in: /language/[LANGUAGE_CODE]/[LANGUAGE_CODE].com_jajobboard.ini

    OR change by go to: /administrator/index.php?option=com_jajobboard&view=jamanagelang

    emyk Friend

    I tried your first suggestion, but I am still getting same error message. I am not sure I understand the second suggestion.

    Here are the two lines i tried to update on the en-GB.com_jajobboardORG.ini file located under site/language or site/administrator/language,

    1.ACCESS DENIED. YOU DON’T HAVE PERMISSION=Access denied. You don’t have permissions to view this resource.

    Here is what I attempted to do:

    1.ACCESS DENIED. YOU DON’T HAVE PERMISSION=Please Register As Employee first view Empoyees profie.

    2.ACCESS DENIED.YOU DON=Access denied.you don’t

    2.ACCESS DENIED.YOU DON=Please Register As Employee first view Empoyees profie.

    Can someone please take a look and tell me what I am doing wrong here?

    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear emyk

    You can send to us your site URL, Admin account for closer check via: http://support.joomlart.com/
    Maybe there are some mistake when the component working with language file, you can try add 3 following lines in langauge file:

    ACCESS DENIED. YOU DON’T HAVE PERMISSION=Access denied. You don’t have permissions to view this resource.
    ACCESS DENIED.YOU DON’T HAVE PERMISSION.=Access denied. You don’t have permissions to view this resource.
    ACCESS DENIED. YOU DON’T HAVE PERMISSION.=Access denied. You don’t have permissions to view this resource.

    emyk Friend

    Thanks for you help!
    Adding the the three lines did the trick. Works like a charm now.

    sharpdome Friend

    Is it possible to replace this message with an image? Can I put an HTML and/or PHP block into that section in the language .ini file?

    I’d like to have something encouraging visitors to register when they come upon blocked parts of the site, and that Access Denied message is not very friendly and welcoming. 🙂

    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear sharpdome

    You can customize the message by editing language .ini file, it also allow add HTML, IMAGE tag to this message.
    ACCESS DENIED.YOU DON’T HAVE PERMISSION.=<strong>Access denied</strong>. You don’t have permissions to view this resource. <img src=””/>

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