<em>@myeco 127481 wrote:</em><blockquote>dear all,
I am using VM-login module to instead the original one, and install a email login plugin. Now, the website can be login by email. However, my VM-login module box still display login by username, what can i do to change it to email??
perhaps can be: (THIS WHAT I WANT)
now still as like this
the VM template was shift from JA-Zeolite, joomla 1.5.10
VM: 1.1.3
Thanks in advance, for any assistance or hints.
By, Kevin.C</blockquote>
Okay, i solved this problem by myself.
Herewith the solution i use:
1. VM login module, was using ‘echo’ to call the relevant words/sentences come out. which $VM_LANG
2. So if we find out where is the VM language source, then we can edit the sentences or words which what we need.
3. the path is /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/languages/common, inside got an english.php, you can editing what you want it to be.
Thats all what i done to make it happen.