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  • iguinee Friend

    I am using J! 1.6.3

    I would like to change the JUser and also, when I select Timestamp at the parameters, it show 9 minutes ago, or 1 hour ago. How do I translate these into french?

    I would like to use JA Top Panel, just like on JA Social. But it’s not happening with Teline4. I have place it on several position, but not achieving the same effect as JA Social.

    See attached image for illustration.

    Thank you for assistance in resolving these issues.

    1. how-to...
    khoand Friend
    iguinee Friend

    any idea about the otger two issues?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi iguinee,

    1) To translate the text of Timestamp you open the file language/your_active_language/your_active_language.mod_janewspro.ini
    in this file you add the text

    2) Regarding the issue of JA Top Panel I think you just need to install and assign it to the headlines position,that would help

    iguinee Friend

    Hi Dathq,

    I have installed the module and placed it on Headlines Position and that is not working as expected. The module appears below the logo and just underneath the menu bar.

    And, it brings the date and heandlines articles (module) down with it.

    iguinee Friend

    anyone please!

    Sherlock Friend

    hi iguinee,

    Please provide me your url,the admin account as wellas the FTP Info via the ticket of KKT-912-43011 for a further checking.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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