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  • g.akram Friend

    Hi, I have that problem with the content on my front page,
    If I put more than 2 items like photos, than it become’s to wide,
    out of range, what I want is that te page just get longer, but not wider,
    so if I put 5 photos than you can scroll down to see other photos,

    website is : http://www.chillonline.nl

    using Ja Proycon

    and also need help with paging, 1, and so on, so if I have for example 200 content Items on my site and I want that on each page is 5 items for example, than its devided to 40 pages, and at the end of the site you can see
    1, 2, 3 , 4 , 5 and so on, please can sombody tell me how to make this work.

    (for admins, my other username is G.Akram)

    g.akram Friend

    Hi everybody, I found how to do that, need to go to menu>mainmenu> choose the page and change settings on right side.

    thanks anyway.

    g.akram Friend
Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  g.akram 18 years ago.

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