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  • abib Friend

    Dear All,

    I desperately need your help – in my website i resized the row hight and the location is in the next row.

    What I need is to move the location after the Company/organization name kindly.

    Any body that can help me what to do please. I am a bit confused now.


    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Abib,

    You could edit in file componentscom_jajobboardviewsjajobstmplthemestheme-name-activejalist-item.php
    Company name

    <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option='. JBCOMNAME .'&view=japrofiles&layout=jaview&cid[]='.$item->user_id_tmp."&alias=".$item->user_id. '&Itemid='.get_Itemid(array('option'=>JBCOMNAME, 'view'=>'japrofiles'))); ?>" class="<?php echo $class;?>"> <img src="<?php echo $item->logo?>" alt="<?php echo $item->company?>" class="logo" align="left" width="<?php echo $logo_width?>" height="<?php echo $logo_height?>"/> </a> <span class="ja-companyname"> <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option='. JBCOMNAME .'&view=japrofiles&layout=jaview&cid[]='.$item->user_id_tmp."&alias=".$item->user_id. '&Itemid='.get_Itemid(array('option'=>JBCOMNAME, 'view'=>'japrofiles'))); ?>" class="<?php echo $class;?>"> <?php echo $item->company?> </a> </span>


    <?php if ($locations && $jbconfig['posts']->get('posts_show_job_localtion', 1)) { ?>
    <span class="ja-job-location"> <strong><?php echo JText::_('LOCATION')?>: </strong>
    <?php foreach ($locations as $location) {
    $location_id_alias = getLocation($location);
    <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_jajobboard&view=jajobs&layout=filter_job_list&location_id_alias='.$location_id_alias.'&location_id='.(int)$location.'&Itemid='.$Itemid)?>" title="<?php echo trim($location_id_alias)?>"><?php echo trim($location_id_alias)?></a> 
    <?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  HeR0 11 years, 6 months ago.

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