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  • Krzysztof Ulicki Friend

    I need override the active menu, like this:

    example code:

    $Itemid = JRequest::getInt(‘Itemid’);
    $menu = &JSite::getMenu();

    // Repeat for every JReviews menu that needs to become active
    if($Itemid == 211){ // example of the itemId of Joomla menu item
    $menu->setActive(143); // example of the itemId of JReviews menu item

    Where I should put this code? or how can `I override active menu in jat3

    pixelzombie Friend

    I don’t think that this code has anything to do with your template and / or the T3 framework. Where did you get that code?

    I think you have to put it somewhere in the JReviews component.

    Krzysztof Ulicki Friend

    Solution: this code should be place in one of block, for example – header. It’s work – thank you support.

    You are wrong, this code is responsible for activating the joomla menu, has nothing to do with jreview, but thank you for your answer.

    pixelzombie Friend

    That’s why I was asking from where you had that code.
    Glad that it works now 🙂

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