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  • sw82 Friend

    Hi I am trying to figure out how the articles from a specific category are placed into the main menu on JA Teline IV. For example in the photo the articles under ‘Latest News’ are from a specific category but I don’t know how this category was placed in the the menu. Any help is grateful

    1. Screen-Shot-2012-06-13-at-13.18.21
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    This module is actually one amongst many other similar modules that you can find on Module Manager

    Go to Admin->Extensions->Module Managers->Select Position(mega5) and Select Type(JA Bulletin)

    Each menu is compatible with a JA Bulletin module. In this case, this particular was selected. You can choose to display your favorite latest news according to your needs under this area.

    Hope this helps!

    sw82 Friend

    Thanks so much for that. I was very baffled but now I can see what I have to do. 🙂

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sw82 12 years, 7 months ago.

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