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  • juansolos Friend

    if an employer ( a compagny) doesn’t want to show his name, how to ask the employer if he want to display compagny information or not?

    Apply could be avalaible but visitor (and job seeker) doesnt know who post the job.

    Any idea?


    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend


    <blockquote>if an employer ( a compagny) doesn’t want to show his name, how to ask the employer if he want to display compagny information or not?</blockquote>

    In this case, you can create a new form field for Job Form to control displaying Employer information.
    E.g: new radio or single select field name “Display Employer Info”.
    To create new form field, please follow up user guide that published here

    And in Job detail page, you will need to add some customization code to control Employer info depending on value of that field.
    The file needing override is:

    <blockquote>Apply could be avalaible but visitor (and job seeker) doesnt know who post the job.</blockquote>
    No, JA Jobboard does not allow Guest to post job

    juansolos Friend

    ok i will test it
    <blockquote>Apply could be avalaible but visitor (and job seeker) doesnt know who post the job. </blockquote>
    I would like to say. That in some case, the employer could be interesting to display the job without display the copagny name.
    So the visitor could see the job, the seeker could apply to it but doesn’t know who is the compagny.

    juansolos Friend

    I think about something.
    If i can hide the employer info in the job view.
    The probleme still appear if i select all job from this employer. The “anonymous” job will appear, not?

    2/the custon code should be : if (display-info-field_value) ==1 so …

    how to call the value of this fields in the files?

    Additionnal question.
    There is not tilte in the Ja Job page (like ALL JOBS in h1 tag).
    So i add this in the php files : <h1>My title</h1>.
    Sometimes, It doesn’t work.

    Ex : in jaresumes , jalist.php if i add <h1>All Resumes<h1>, i get the title but i lose the resumes.
    I don’t anderstant why.

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend


    <blockquote>The probleme still appear if i select all job from this employer. The “anonymous” job will appear, not?</blockquote>
    Yes, by default, such jobs will still be displayed if you select to view jobs from one Company.
    To hide them from list Company’s jobs list, you need add some custom code as below:
    – Open the file

    – Find the code snippet (in the function show_my_jobs):
    [PHP]if ($user->id != $user_id) {
    $where_more .= ” a.status=’Approved’ “;
    $where_more .= ‘ AND a.effected_date<=now()’;[/PHP]

    – And add this code after it:
    $where_more .= ” a.display_employer = 1 “;

    – replace display_employer with your field name.

    [PHP]2/the custom code should be : if (display-info-field_value) ==1 so …

    how to call the value of this fields in the files?[/PHP]
    In the file:

    The code to display Job detail starts from code snippet below:
    [PHP]for ($item_count = 0; $item_count<count($items);$item_count++) :
    $item = $items[$item_count];[/PHP]

    – You can add below code after it to check that field value:

    PS: all customization requires basic knowledge of PHP code and HTML code, so if you are not comfortable with it, you might need to hire a dev to do that.

    juansolos Friend

    Ok, i gonna test it.

    For the PS: i dont anderstand where the problem come from.
    When i override a template (in the jajob board admin) that create a folder and files in my joomla template (html folder). That corrrect and usefull, to not lose all after an upgrade.

    But if in some case, it works perfectly. I have found some cases that doesn’t work.

    Example : in the jaresumes/jalist.php, if i add <h1>test</h1> just after <div id=”jobboard-content”> that doesn’t work.
    But if i download this file, modify it and upload it by ftp in the jajobboard component that works perfeclty.

    In this case, i can see my modfication, in the jajobboard admin template but if i try to modify it again just as : <h1>test2</h1> instead of <h1>test</h1> that doesn’t works.

    Why this simple modification doesn’t work?


    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend


    <blockquote>Example : in the jaresumes/jalist.php, if i add <h1>test</h1> just after <div id=”jobboard-content”> that doesn’t work.
    But if i download this file, modify it and upload it by ftp in the jajobboard component that works perfeclty.</blockquote>

    Normally, you can direct edit file by open and edit it via FTP tool, but in case of your site, it does not work.
    I guess that this issue is related to your hosting setting, you should raise ticket to your hosting provider’s helpdesk to resolve this issue.

    juansolos Friend

    Maybe i was not clear.

    I can download, modify and upload (in jaboard component folder) the file, and the modification are applied.

    But to not lose the modification, your component allows to edit some files direcltly in the back end. That creat a new file in the template joomla to override the default Jajobboard files. That is fine.
    But in some case (not for all files), the modification are not correctly applied.
    I add a h1 tag in the job list view no problem, the override is correctly created in the joomla template and the h1 (and the page) is correctly displayed.
    I add a h1 tag in the resume list view no problem, the override is correctly created in the joomla template and the h1 is displayed but not the resume under.

    The problem is not for all files, some files works, and some files doesn’t work.

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend


    <blockquote>I add a h1 tag in the resume list view no problem, the override is correctly created in the joomla template and the h1 is displayed but not the resume under.</blockquote>

    For Job list view, resume list view, and employer profile list view, JA Jobboard system support 4 different themes that you can switch by update setting in Jobboard back-end.

    See tmpl folder of that views, you can see themes folder inside, and it has 4 sub folders (corresponding 4 themes).

    So, to override these views (jalist.php files), you need also copy and override theme folder in your template.

    In resume list case, you need copy the folder


    and paste to the folder


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