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  • amitjindal Friend

    Hi, I am using Xenia and I like this template very much. I am running into a problem which is probably not related to this template. Seems like a generic problem.

    I have been searching for this answer but was unable to locate this. Please forgive me if I overlooked some posting. I am using Joomla ver 1.0.12.

    What I need is:

    Lets say I have a website with this menu structure:

    Products (links to blog style display for Product A/B/C and shows Read More link)
    — Product A (These show content for category ‘Product’)
    — Product B
    — Product C

    Now what I want to do is display a customized image for product A, another for B and third one for C.

    One way I found this is to create a module for each image and publish it for each appropriate menu item. That seems to work fine.

    However the problem is Read More link. When I go to products and click on Read more for any product the ItemID is different and the image/module does not shows. I can’t find a way to associate a module with ItemID generated for read more.

    How do I do this without hacking the database. 😉

    Please help!

    zandercent Friend

    firstly,, are you using mosimage – if you are – dont! use an image manager like JCE or something similar (http://www.cellardoor.za.net) It actually physically places the image, rather than refers to it in the module.

    Secondly, the problem could be workjed around by hiding the inbuilt read more link, and creating a physical link to the page you want to want to display (ie, the actual item id you want to link to)

    to be honest, i’m not sure i fully understood the question, but i hope this helps in some way!!

    amitjindal Friend

    I will try JCE. Creating explicit readme links is too much work. I would rather hack xenia/joomla code.
    Let me try to explain the problem.

    Lets say I have a section called ‘Products’ which contains a category called ‘Products’. I create 3 items in this category, Product A, Product B, and Product C.

    Now I fill brief description and details for each of these items (as in Example News 1 or Welcome to Joomla items on default install).

    Now I create a menu as shown above where at the top level there is a link called Products which take the user to ‘Blog – Content Section’ so the items in Products section are automatically displayed with a Read More link for each.

    As subitems of this top level link there are links to products which take user directly to the product.

    What I want is a big image for each product to be displayed only when user is on the product page and not on the Blog page.

    The problem is that the ID for Readmore is different than for that in menu. That is understandable. However I don’t know how to achieve this effect.

    Khanh Le Moderator

    That’s not your problem or template problem. The problem comes from Joomla version 1.0.12. There are 2 options for you to fix this problem:

    Option 1: Modify joomla code: replace function _Itemid( &$row ) in file components/com_content/content.html.php by the older version (you may get this function from Joomla v1.0.11).

    Option 2: Follow the user-guide instruction, using Ja News module to display your front-page insteads of Joomla frontpage.

    amitjindal Friend

    Thanks for your reply.
    But I am not looking for front page change.
    Also I see the same behavior in 1.0.11 so that code should not work.

    Khanh Le Moderator

    You don’t need to change your front page. You could use ja news module in the same way as our demo. JA Xenia demo site uses joomla v1.0.12.

    You should provide your live site url so I could take a look into this problem.

    amitjindal Friend

    My website is currently on a local test server. You cannot access it.

    This behavior should be visible in any joomla installation.
    First create a menu item for linking News Example 1 to main menu.
    Then add a module named myimg with a <img></img> in text to the newly created menu item only.

    When you access News Example 1 directly via menu the image shows. When you access through main page or any other page by clicking on read more for News Example 1, the image will not show. That’s the problem. I want the image to show. 🙂

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