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  • hes21 Friend

    The demo and quickstart of JA_Elastica have a twitter box with the last tweet, but it is in fact just a custom module using fixed text.

    How can I recreate it to actually query twitter?

    Also can the JA_Elastica forum be moved to public like the JA_Purity forum?

    Thanks in advance.


    hes21 Friend

    Nearly solved it myself. The only thing left to do is figure out what to change to style the time of the tweet correctly. I ran out of time before figuring it out.

    1. Install a plug in that allows you to post PHP code. I used sourcerer.
    2. Create a module in “position-7” using Module Class Suffix “grid-double mod-contrast contrast-blue”
    3. Insert the following PHP code. This is modified from code written by Jonathon Nicol that you can see documented here.
    I cut this from sourcerer so the formatting is a little off. I basically changed the classes of some items to match Elastica, changed it from being a list, and reduced it to only grab 1 tweet.

    Hope this helps.



    * @version 1.1.1
    * @author Jonathan Nicol
    * @link http://f6design.com/journal/2010/10/07/display-recent-twitter-tweets-using-php/
    * Notes:
    * We employ caching because Twitter only allows their RSS feeds to be accesssed 150
    * times an hour per user client.
    * —
    * Dates can be displayed in Twitter style (e.g. “1 hour ago”) by setting the
    * $twitter_style_dates param to true.
    * Credits:
    * Hashtag/username parsing based on: http://snipplr.com/view/16221/get-twitter-tweets/
    * Feed caching: http://www.addedbytes.com/articles/caching-output-in-php/
    * Feed parsing: http://boagworld.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=4639

    function display_latest_tweets(
    $cache_file = ‘./twitter.txt’,
    $tweets_to_display = 1,
    $ignore_replies = true,
    $twitter_wrap_open = ”,
    $twitter_wrap_close = ”,
    $tweet_wrap_open = ‘<div id=”ja-twitter-wrap”>’,

    $meta_wrap_open = ‘<span class=”date”> ‘,
    $meta_wrap_close = ‘</span>’,
    $tweet_wrap_close = ‘</div>’,

    $date_format = ‘g:i A M jS’,
    $twitter_style_dates = true){

    // Seconds to cache feed (1 hour).
    $cachetime = 10;
    // Time that the cache was last filled.
    $cache_file_created = ((@file_exists($cache_file))) ? @filemtime($cache_file) : 0;

    // A flag so we know if the feed was successfully parsed.
    $tweet_found = false;

    // Show file from cache if still valid.
    if (time() – $cachetime < $cache_file_created) {

    $tweet_found = true;
    // Display tweets from the cache.

    } else {

    // Cache file not found, or old. Fetch the RSS feed from Twitter.
    $rss = @file_get_contents(‘http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/’.$twitter_user_id.’.rss’);

    if($rss) {

    // Parse the RSS feed to an XML object.
    $xml = @simplexml_load_string($rss);

    if($xml !== false) {

    // Error check: Make sure there is at least one item.
    if (count($xml->channel->item)) {

    $tweet_count = 0;

    // Start output buffering.

    // Open the twitter wrapping element.
    $twitter_html = $twitter_wrap_open;

    // Iterate over tweets.
    foreach($xml->channel->item as $tweet) {

    // Twitter feeds begin with the username, “e.g. User name: Blah”
    // so we need to strip that from the front of our tweet.
    $tweet_desc = substr($tweet->description,strpos($tweet->description,”:”)+2);
    $tweet_desc = htmlspecialchars($tweet_desc);
    $tweet_first_char = substr($tweet_desc,0,1);

    // If we are not gnoring replies, or tweet is not a reply, process it.
    if ($tweet_first_char!=’@’ || $ignore_replies==false){

    $tweet_found = true;

    // Add hyperlink html tags to any urls, twitter ids or hashtags in the tweet.
    $tweet_desc = preg_replace(‘/(https?://[^s”<>]+)/’,'<a href=”$1″>$1</a>’,$tweet_desc);
    $tweet_desc = preg_replace(‘/(^|[ns])@([^s”tnr<:]*)/is’, ‘$1<a href=”http://twitter.com/$2″>@$2</a>’, $tweet_desc);
    $tweet_desc = preg_replace(‘/(^|[ns])#([^s”tnr<:]*)/is’, ‘$1<a href=”http://twitter.com/search?q=%23$2″>#$2</a>’, $tweet_desc);

    // Convert Tweet display time to a UNIX timestamp. Twitter timestamps are in UTC/GMT time.
    $tweet_time = strtotime($tweet->pubDate);
    if ($twitter_style_dates){
    // Current UNIX timestamp.
    $current_time = time();
    $time_diff = abs($current_time – $tweet_time);
    switch ($time_diff)
    case ($time_diff < 60):
    $display_time = $time_diff.’ seconds ago’;
    case ($time_diff >= 60 && $time_diff < 3600):
    $min = floor($time_diff/60);
    $display_time = $min.’ minutes ago’;
    case ($time_diff >= 3600 && $time_diff < 86400):
    $hour = floor($time_diff/3600);
    $display_time = ‘about ‘.$hour.’ hour’;
    if ($hour > 1){ $display_time .= ‘s’; }
    $display_time .= ‘ ago’;
    $display_time = date($date_format,$tweet_time);
    } else {
    $display_time = date($date_format,$tweet_time);

    // Render the tweet.
    $twitter_html .= $tweet_wrap_open.$tweet_desc.$meta_wrap_open.'<a href=”http://twitter.com/’.$twitter_user_id.'”>’.$display_time.'</a>’.$meta_wrap_close.$tweet_wrap_close;


    // If we have processed enough tweets, stop.
    if ($tweet_count >= $tweets_to_display){


    // Close the twitter wrapping element.
    $twitter_html .= $twitter_wrap_close;
    echo $twitter_html;

    // Generate a new cache file.
    $file = @fopen($cache_file, ‘w’);

    // Save the contents of output buffer to the file, and flush the buffer.
    @fwrite($file, ob_get_contents());

    // In case the RSS feed did not parse or load correctly, show a link to the Twitter account.
    if (!$tweet_found){
    echo $twitter_wrap_open.$tweet_wrap_open.’Oops, our twitter feed is unavailable right now. ‘.$meta_wrap_open.'<a href=”http://twitter.com/’.$twitter_user_id.'”>Follow us on Twitter</a>’.$meta_wrap_close.$tweet_wrap_close.$twitter_wrap_close;




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