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  • benmont86 Friend

    I am trying to use TIRIS template for a business website, but i dont want to use any of its ecommerce features. When i disable Joomshopping extension in back panel the whole site stops working. Any help appreciated.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@benmont86 314810 wrote:</em><blockquote>I am trying to use TIRIS template for a business website, but i dont want to use any of its ecommerce features. When i disable Joomshopping extension in back panel the whole site stops working. Any help appreciated.</blockquote>
    What do you mean when you say “the whole site stops working?”

    benmont86 Friend

    <em>@TomC 314815 wrote:</em><blockquote>What do you mean when you say “the whole site stops working?”</blockquote>
    Sorry if i didnt explain myself well, youre right. What i meant was that when i visit my site, it shows me an error message. Take a look

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@benmont86 314817 wrote:</em><blockquote>Sorry if i didnt explain myself well, youre right. What i meant was that when i visit my site, it shows me an error message. Take a look</blockquote>
    Have you checked to make sure you have alternative modules/components assigned to your default home page – in place of the JoomShopping elements you disabled? Did you uninstall anything?

    benmont86 Friend

    <em>@TomC 314819 wrote:</em><blockquote> Did you uninstall anything?</blockquote>
    Yes, as I told you I disabled the extension Joomshopping because i dont need it, then the site displays an error page. Once I enable it again the site works as well, but i just dont want it to have all those products or shopping cart, none of that. Could you just then please explain how I disable all ecommerce functions from this there right after a clean installation? i will really appreciate it thanks.

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    I tried on the localhost. Its true if you uninstall joomShopping component the home page give 500 error.

    i unpublished all the plugins (found one for redshop – wierd) and unpublished 3 of the joomshopping modules. Still the error was shown.

    Changed the homepage link – wierd still the same.

    Enabled the other home page link and all was fine.

    IF above works for you, i would suggest uninstalling all the JoomShopping modules / plugins and menu items and then check the database. The database has entries for redshop which can be deleted safely.

    I would be getting the quickstart DB checked and fixed for the same in the coming days.

    If you are not sure how to do the above, pass me the admin login via PM.. i shall do it for you. however, for DB cleanup you will need to use PHPMyadmin.



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