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  • ukfraternite Friend


    I would like someone to direct me on how to remove the HOVER on teline 2.

    I have customised the section (on the top menu) and as you know every section on the top menu has a category displayed through Ja News. When you pass the mouse over a category, it changes automatically. I would like to remove that change.


    scotty Friend

    If I understand correct…. open /modules/mod_janews/tmpl/blog_item.php and find on line 25…

    [PHP] <div class=”jazin-boxwrap jazin-theme<?php echo $cls_sufix;?>”>[/PHP]

    and change to…

    [PHP] <div class=”jazin-boxwrap”>[/PHP]

    Then open /templates/ja_teline_ii/css/ja.news.css and find online 88…

    .jazin-box:hover div.jazin-section a span,
    .hover div.jazin-section a span {
    background: #006699;

    …and delete.

    Refresh your cache and no more hover effect on JA News.

    ukfraternite Friend

    Hello Scotty,

    Thank you for your help. I followed your instructions and have removed the hover.

    The picture attached is the menu bar. Now I have removed the hover on Ja News, I would like each menu on Ja News to match the same colour as the menu bar.

    see attached picture.

    1. untitled
    ukfraternite Friend

    Anybody, please?

    scotty Friend

    I’ll look into this and get back to you. But I think this may require a lot of customisation.

    ukfraternite Friend

    Thanks Scotty,

    I will be on stand-by

    scotty Friend

    I’m not sure I understand the question. What menus in JA News? Or do you mean you want the Section titles in JA News to display their colours like the hover effect but without having to hover over them?

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@ukfraternite 117545 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    I would like someone to direct me on how to remove the HOVER on teline 2.

    I have customised the section (on the top menu) and as you know every section on the top menu has a category displayed through Ja News. When you pass the mouse over a category, it changes automatically. I would like to remove that change.



    The way you presented “What you want to happen is very vague” — what exactly is stop the hover?

    1. That it will not turn from gray to blue? to forest green? etc.?
    2. Would you be satisfied with a single collor?
    3. Or, did you mean: No color at all? same white background and black letters?
    4. Or, something else different altogether,

    If you can sketch to illustrate what you want, please do so.


    ukfraternite Friend

    Hello cgc0202 and scotty,

    Please refer to my website to understand clearly what I mean. imagineguinee.com

    You will see that the top menu (see attachment 1) has many colours. Each tab there is represente at the bottom by Ja News (I believe) respectively (plese see attachment 2)

    Now, I would like the colours in attachment 1 to match those of attachment 2.

    PS: You have already advised on how to remove the hover and I did that successfully.

    Thank you.

    1. attachment-1
    2. attachment-2
    questbg Friend

    Hi ukfratenerite

    Now I’m confused too!

    Let me try to clarify for Scotty and Cornelio …

    You have removed the hover colour on the JA News Section titles here:

    But you haven’t removed the hover colour on the ‘Read More’ in each section of JA News here:


    Your top (magazine) menu is multi-coloured

    But the colour of each item in the menu, doesn’t match the colour of your ‘Read More’ hover?

    So, do you want to make all the menus grey, and only colour on mouseover to match your read more section colours, or do you want the ‘Read More’ colour and the section colours to match your current menu colours?

    Hope this helps.

    Bonjour ukfraternite

    Maintenant je suis perdu aussi!

    Permettez-moi d’essayer déclaircir en peu plus pour Scotty et Cornelio…

    Vous avez enlevé la couleur de “hover” sur les titres de vos Sections de JA News ici :

    Mais vous n’avez pas enlevé la couleur de “hover” sur le ‘Lire la Suite’ dans chaque section de JA News ici :

    Votre menu en haut (magazine menu) est multicolore :


    Mais la couleur de chaque article dans le menu, ne correspond pas à la couleur de votre ‘Lire la Suite’ hover ?

    Donc voulez-vous rendre tous les menus gris, ou voulez-vous le ‘Lire la Suite’ hover couleur et les couleurs de chaque section correspondre à vos couleurs de menu actuelles ?

    Dans l’espoir cela aide.


    scotty Friend

    I think I know what he means now… he want’s the same effect as the hover effect just without hovering.

    Scroll to the “Themes” part of /templates/ja_teline_ii/css/ja.news.css

    .jazin-boxwrap:hover.jazin-theme-red div.jazin-section a span,
    .jazin-boxwrap.jazin-theme-red .hover div.jazin-section a span {
    background: #CC0000; /*red*/

    …and remove the :hover shown in red above. You will need to do this for each of the colours you have defined.

    YOU WILL HAVE TO UNDO THE INSTRUCTIONS I GAVE YOU PREVIOUSLY ABOUT THE HOVER EFFECT. Because we need to add the colour suffix to the end of jazin-boxwrap again.

    If your main menu colours are defined somewhere else then you may have a lot of editing to do. But you should have defined these colours all in the one place to begin with.

    ukfraternite Friend

    Nice illustration.

    I would like the Top (magazine) Menu which is multi-coloured to match the JA News Section titles and the Read more .

    This one…

    to MATCH THIS other one (below) and Read more…

    Merci questbg pour l’éclaicissement.

    cgc0202 Friend

    Now I understand what you wanted to do. I was looking at the files and CSS, and it will involve a lot of hacking, and some sort of scripting to make it work, as Scotty stated.

    I would be interested to know details once it is worked , how both the top (magazine menu) and the ja-news changes were done.


    ukfraternite Friend

    Anyone, please?

    ukfraternite Friend

    Please, somebody help!

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This topic contains 18 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  ukfraternite 15 years, 9 months ago.

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