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  • omojesu Friend

    I need some assistance with reducing the whitespace between multiple user5 modules. When I add modules in user5 position, there is too much padding/margin on the top/bottom and right/left sides. This is creating unnecessary whitespaces. I checked template.css to see what css needed to be modified but nothing I do seems to be having any effect. I mostly retained the default demo modules such as customHTML modules in this position.

    Additionally, how do I swap the positions/blocks of content_main and user4? I checked the default layout and do not see any reference to content_main.


    khoand Friend

    You remove the code from /templates/ja_community_plus/css/template.css

    .ja-headsp-right .ja-box-inner {
    padding: 20px 10px 0 30px;

    omojesu Friend

    Thanks…This is not working for me. I commented that line out and cleared the T3 cache. As you will notice, the gap between the “Subscribe to e-updates and “Other Locations” is still huge and makes the site look unprofessional. There is still a lot of whitespace between the modules.

    Also, I still need help with my second request. How do I swap content-main (ja-mainbody) block and user4 such that the former appears above the latter. I do not see any reference to main body when I try to edit any of the template layout under Template Manager.

    Here is the temporary url (site is still in development, so currently on a subdomain)

    Thanks for your assistance.

    <em>@khoand 290110 wrote:</em><blockquote>You remove the code from /templates/ja_community_plus/css/template.css

    .ja-headsp-right .ja-box-inner {
    padding: 20px 10px 0 30px;


    omojesu Friend

    Any idea please?


    khoand Friend

    I can’t access your website because it’s offline. Do you give me your username+password to access it.

    Also, I still need help with my second request. How do I swap content-main (ja-mainbody) block and user4 such that the former appears above the latter. I do not see any reference to main body when I try to edit any of the template layout under Template Manager.

    You can’t do it. It’s impossible.

    omojesu Friend

    I figured the padding issue now. Thanks. The template.css file was in the “plugins/system/jat3/jat3/base-themes/default/css” folder but I was editing the template.css file located at the “templates/ja_community_plus/css” folder. Any reason why the two files are named the same? I think unique names will eliminate confusion for a lot of users.

    Per my second request…any reason why this is not possible? I thought the template layouts are flexible enough to move module positions around as desired? My issue is that if I turn the ja-mainbody off in the template settings, then any menu item that points to an article don’t show up. Is there a way around this? The default ja-mainbody position does not work for me and I can’t afford to have that much whitespace if it is empty.

    I have open up the temp site for now. The site is still in development before I move it to the permanent domain.

    many thanks

    khoand Friend

    I figured the padding issue now. Thanks. The template.css file was in the “plugins/system/jat3/jat3/base-themes/default/css” folder but I was editing the template.css file located at the “templates/ja_community_plus/css” folder. Any reason why the two files are named the same? I think unique names will eliminate confusion for a lot of users.

    • plugins/system/jat3/jat3/base-themes/default/css/template.css is used for JAT3 plugin. When you upgrade JAT3, the file may be replaced by new
    • templates/ja_community_plus/css/template.css is used for specify template. So when you upgrade JAT3, the file isn’t replaced.

    Per my second request…any reason why this is not possible? I thought the template layouts are flexible enough to move module positions around as desired? My issue is that if I turn the ja-mainbody off in the template settings, then any menu item that points to an article don’t show up. Is there a way around this? The default ja-mainbody position does not work for me and I can’t afford to have that much whitespace if it is empty.

    Because ja-mainbody position is hard code. You view image to understand the organize of JAT3
    ja-mainbody position is a position is used to show content of menu items (a article or a component) when you click them. So when you turn ja-mainbody off, content of menu items will not show.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  khoand 12 years, 9 months ago.

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