My site is still running on my own computer. So unable to provide the url for you. However it is not a spacing issue with CSS. Maybe I didn’t explain my issue clearly.
Currently I created two copies of JA Slideshow module on the same position of slideshow at the front page: one for English and the other for Chinese. I set up each Slideshow linked to different category which works fine: When in English, it shows the articles in engilsh and when in Chinese, it shows different articles in Chinese. Now i want to change the description max length at Navigator settings for each of the Slidershows to ensue the description for both languages shows only on two lines: so the description max length for Engish should be 50. and chinese should be 25 as one chinese character takes two spaces as English. However whenever I changed the length, the setting on the other Slideshow module willl be changed automtically. Wondering how can i achieve what I want.