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  • issay Friend

    I want to show author alias in home page’s JA news pro. but if there is no Alias I would like to show Creator’s name. not ‘JUser’

    I caheged this line in file:in modulesmod_janewstmplblog_item.php

    <span class="createby"><?php echo $row->creator;?></span>

    <span class="createby"><?php echo $row->created_by_alias;?></span>

    i got only Alias. but some articles does not have Alias. so I want to show Creator in these situations

    note: iam using Joomla1.6.3 , JA TELINE IV

    himangi Friend


    To display alias and in case of alias not being there, to display creator name, you can use following code..

    <blockquote><php if ($row->created_by_alias) { ?>
    <span class=”createby”><?php echo $row->created_by_alias;?></span>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <span class=”createby”><?php echo $row->creator;?></span>
    <?php } ?></blockquote>

    issay Friend

    thank you himangi. you are the first one helped me in this forum

    iguinee Friend

    <em>@himangi 241720 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    To display alias and in case of alias not being there, to display creator name, you can use following code..</blockquote>


    I cannot get this right.

    What do I change exactly and where to add the code.

    This is my php code.

    # ————————————————————————
    # JA News Pro module for Joomla 1.6
    # ————————————————————————
    # Copyright (C) 2004-2009 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
    # @license – Copyrighted Commercial Software
    # Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
    # Websites: http://www.joomlart.comhttp://www.joomlancers.com
    # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part.
    # ————————————————————————
    $cls_sufix = trim($params->get(‘blog_theme’,”));
    if($cls_sufix) $cls_sufix = ‘-‘.$cls_sufix;
    $class = ”;
    if(JRequest::getInt(‘subcat’, 0)) $class = ‘subcontents-‘.JRequest::getInt(‘subcat’);

    $showcreator = $helper->get( ‘showcreator’, 0 );
    $showdate = $helper->get( ‘showdate’, 0 );
    $maxchars = intval (trim( $helper->get( ‘maxchars’, 200 ) ));
    $showreadmore = intval (trim( $helper->get( ‘showreadmore’, 1 ) ));
    $showsubcattitle = trim( $helper->get( ‘showsubcattitle’, 1));

    $params_new = new JParameter(”);
    $catid = $secid;
    $cooki_name = ‘mod’.$moduleid.’_’.$catid;
    /*if(isset($_COOKIE[$cooki_name]) && $_COOKIE[$cooki_name]!=”){
    $cookie_user_setting = $_COOKIE[$cooki_name];
    $arr_values = explode(‘&’, $cookie_user_setting);
    foreach ($arr_values as $row){
    list($k, $value) = explode(‘=’, $row);
    $params_new->set($k, $value);

    $introitems = intval (trim( $params_new->get( ‘introitems’, $helper->get( ‘introitems’, 1 ) )));
    $linkitems = intval (trim( $params_new->get( ‘linkitems’, $helper->get( ‘linkitems’, 0 ) ) ));
    $showimage = intval (trim( $params_new->get( ‘showimage’, $helper->get( ‘showimage’, 1 ) ) ));
    $showtooltip = intval (trim( $helper->get( ‘showtooltip’, 1 ) ));

    <div class=”ja-box column ja-zintheme<?php echo $cls_sufix;?><?php if (isset($y) && $y==0) echo ‘ ja-box-first’ ?> <?php echo $class?>” style=”clear: both;”>
    <div class=”ja-box-inner clearfix”>
    foreach ($rows as $i=>$row){
    if($i>=$introitems) break;

    <div class=”ja-zincontent clearfix”>

    <?php if($showimage) echo $row->image; ?>

    <h4 class=”ja-zintitle”>
    <a href=”<?php echo $row->link;?>” title=”<?php echo strip_tags($row->title);?>”><?php echo $row->title;?></a>

    <?php if ( $showcreator || $showdate ) : ?>
    <p class=”ja-zinmeta”>
    <?php if ($showdate) : ?>
    <span class=”createdate”>
    <?php echo $row->created?>
    <?php if ($showcreator) : ?>  |  <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ($showcreator) : ?>
    <span class=”createby”><?php echo $row->creator;?></span>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    if($maxchars > strlen($row->introtext1)) {
    echo $row->introtext;
    } else {
    echo $row->introtext1;
    <?php if ($showreadmore) : ?>
    <p class=”readmore”>
    <a href=”<?php echo $row->link; ?>” title=”<?php echo JText::sprintf(‘LA SUITE…’);?>”>
    <span><?php echo JText::sprintf(‘LA SUITE…’);?></span>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php unset($rows[$i])?>
    <?php }?>

    <?php if($rows){?>
    <div class=”ja-zinlinks clearfix”>
    <strong><?php echo JTEXT::_(‘PLUS DE NEWS:’)?></strong>
    <ul class=”jazin-links”>
    <?php foreach ($rows as $row){?>
    $introtext = “”;
    $intro_process = strip_tags($row->introtext);
    $intro_process = substr($intro_process, 0, 300);
    $last_space = strrpos($intro_process, ‘ ‘);
    $introtext = substr($intro_process, 0, $last_space).’…’;
    $introtext = $row->introtext;
    <span <?php if($showtooltip){?>class=”editlinktip jahasTip” title=”<?php echo trim(strip_tags($row->title), ‘”‘); ?>::<?php echo htmlspecialchars($row->image.$introtext)?>”<?php }?>>
    <a href=”<?php echo $row->link; ?>”>
    <?php echo $row->title; ?>
    <?php }?>
    <?php }?>


    iguinee Friend

    would anyone please guide me here!

    himangi Friend

    Hi iguinee,

    In the php code you have, there is this code <blockquote><?php if ($showcreator) : ?>
    <span class=”createby”><?php echo $row->creator;?></span>
    <?php endif; ?> </blockquote>

    If you replace above code with the code below then it will display Creator alias and in case of alias not being there, it will display creator’s name. if ($showcreator) condition is kept as it is so that the creator name / alias will be displayed only when the param in articles / menu options is set to display the name.
    <blockquote><?php if ($showcreator) : ?>
    <php if ($row->created_by_alias) { ?>
    <span class=”createby”><?php echo $row->created_by_alias;?></span>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <span class=”createby”><?php echo $row->creator;?></span>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php endif; ?></blockquote>

    iguinee Friend

    I have done that, but it gives me an error message

    [php]modules/mod_janewspro/tmpl/linear/blog_item.php on line 72[php]

    Also, please see below how my code is:


    himangi Friend


    Can you PM me yous side admin and ftp access? I will need to take a look at the error before I can give any solution.

    iguinee Friend

    <em>@himangi 242960 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    Can you PM me yous side admin and ftp access? I will need to take a look at the error before I can give any solution.</blockquote>

    I have sent you the the credentials.

    himangi Friend

    Hi iguinee,

    I have implemented the code I had suggested you in yourblog_item.php file. Now if you specify ‘Created By Alias’ for some article, it will be shown in your JA News Pro module. But if you dont specify creator alias, like it is for all articles right now, then JUser showing up as a creator. I am not sure why JUser is showing up instead of creator’s username.. I am trying to find it out and will get back to you on the same..

    iguinee Friend

    Hello Himangi

    Thank you for your help. I believe the problem persists still and I will wait to hear from you again.

    Also, I have been struggling with JA Top Panel. Please see attached image.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    1. jatoppanel
    himangi Friend


    Your Top panel module is working fine now. I have added <block name=”top-panel” type=”modules” style=”raw” main-inner=”1″>top</block> this new position at the top in your default layout.
    I have published the JA Top Panel module in the newly created top position and modules published at user12 position are being displayed in this Top Panel module. If you click on Top Panel text from frontend, you will see the module content loaded in it..

    The only issue right now is that the top panel is showing up quite below the topbar. This is happening because there is some content published :
    # Contact
    # Ajouter Votre Feedback
    # Tous les Feedbacks
    etc. If you remove this then your Top Panel link will go up..

    Please check this and let me know if it’s fine. Also tell me the ticket id, you have raised for this top panel issue, so that I can close the ticket.

    iguinee Friend

    Problem solved.

    Thank you for all your assistance in resolving these issues.

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

This topic contains 13 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  iguinee 13 years, 7 months ago.

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