Yes, I did get this resolved. Not as clean as I had hoped, but it works for me.
Basically in the templates folder I modified the article default.php file (templatesja_teline_iihtmlcom_contentarticledefault.php) and added the following code:
[PHP]<?php if ($this->params->get(‘link_section’)) : ?>
<td width=”60%” valign=”top” class=”jazin-pagedesc”>
<?php if ($this->category->image) : ?>
<img src=”images/stories/<?php echo $this->category->image;?>” align=”<?php echo $this->category->image_position;?>” hspace=”6″ alt=”<?php echo $this->this->category->image;?>” />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $this->category->description; ?>
<?php endif; ?>[/PHP]
however the category object is not available by default, so both in the joomla article model and view I had to made some additional changes to make the category object available.
It works for me and I can turn the category description on/off for an article by setting the “Section Title Linkable” option which I wasnt using anyway otherwise…