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  • khoand Friend

    If you want to show facebook module like
    You replace this code from /templates/ja_teline_iv/css/template.css

    #ja-topmega li.nav-blog a.nav-blog,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-interview a.nav-interview,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-social a.nav-social,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-feeds a.nav-feeds {
    padding: 4px 0 3px;
    margin: 3px 5px;
    text-indent: -1000em;
    width: 28px;

    #ja-topmega li.nav-blog,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-interview,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-social,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-feeds { float: right; border: none; }

    #ja-topmega li.nav-social .childcontent-inner { background: #fff; }


    #ja-topmega li.nav-blog a.nav-blog,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-interview a.nav-interview,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-social a.nav-social,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-feeds a.nav-feeds,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-facebook a.nav-facebook {
    padding: 4px 0 3px;
    margin: 3px 5px;
    text-indent: -1000em;
    width: 28px;

    #ja-topmega li.nav-blog,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-interview,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-social,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-feeds,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-facebook { float: right; border: none; }

    #ja-topmega li.nav-social .childcontent-inner,
    #ja-topmega li.nav-facebook .childcontent-inner { background: #fff; }

    Add this code into template.css

    /* Facebook Button */
    #ja-topmega li.nav-facebook a.nav-facebook {
    background: url(../images/icons/facebook_32.png) no-repeat center #138bb3 !important;

    You create a JA facebook social – Like Box module which position is mega.
    You create menu item which type is External URL, Link is #, Submenu Width is 328, Submenu Content is Modules, Select Modules is JA facebook social – Like Box

    1. facebook
    hamlethub Friend

    I am having an issue with this, it just shows up as a block of color – no icon.

    1) why would you put the code in two different template.css files? I put all the changes in the “local” template.css file, such as:
    /**to put a mail icon in the mega menu **/
    #ja-topmega li.nav-mail a.nav-mail {
    padding: 4px 0 3px;
    margin: 3px 5px;
    text-indent: -1000em;
    width: 28px;
    #ja-topmega li.nav-mail {
    float: right; border: none;
    #ja-topmega li.nav-mail a.nav-mail {
    background: url(../images/emailButton-style2.png) no-repeat center #f68916 !important;

    #ja-topmega li:hover a.nav-email,
    #ja-topmega li.over a.nav-email,
    #ja-topmega li.active a.nav-email {
    background: url(../images/emailButton-style2.png) no-repeat center #F68916 !important;

    #ja-topmega li.nav-email .childcontent-inner { background: #fff; padding-top: 0;}

    Is this wrong?

    2) I realize the icons are transparent, how do I change this to use an icon that is not transparent.


    khoand Friend

    why would you put the code in two different template.css files? I put all the changes in the “local” template.css file. Is this wrong?

    You’re right. You can do it. What path of “local” template.css is?

    I realize the icons are transparent, how do I change this to use an icon that is not transparent.

    Do you give me a link to your website? I will check it.

    hamlethub Friend

    I figured it out – it was the path – I did not change the image path when I copied the code to the local directory

    proterra Friend

    How i get the icon in the menu? and how I get the position on right


    How i get the facebook icon (I’ve only twitter image)

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi basdim,

    if your template is teline_iv, the facebook icon file is located at templatesja_teline_ivimagesiconsfacebook_32.png please check.

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