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  • lefevre Friend


    How do I set the target path of the news ticker link to the actual page and not below the current page, which is the homepage?

    Your prompt help is really appreciated since my client wants his site launched within week!

    An 🙂

    pb66 Friend

    I did think about this problem some hours ago. But if you read this answer to another issues I’ve just tried to solve.

    Then the answer is simple! The newsticker article is a Joomla article. Therefore this template is re-rendering it within the current page.

    Same solution applies; Simply put your articles into K2 and they will open in a whole new window. (JA News Ticker does give you the option of drawing from a K2 category.

    Once again I don’t know if this is by design for this template or is a fault.


    Sherlock Friend

    <em>@lefevre 319908 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello.

    How do I set the target path of the news ticker link to the actual page and not below the current page, which is the homepage?

    Your prompt help is really appreciated since my client wants his site launched within week!

    An :)</blockquote>

    Hi An,

    Take a look at my post here .
    I hope it helps !

    pb66 Friend

    This answer from Do Ha answers the question perfectly. Share this widely as it seems to be a common issue!


    An article will be considered that it belongs to Home menu when it doesn’t belong to any menu.

    To avoid that, you should follow as the following steps (assumption: all featured article in News category)
    1. Go to back-end
    2. Click Menus => Menu Manager => Add New Menu. Create a menu name = Hidden menu
    3. Add a item menu into Hidden Menu with
    – Menu Item Type = Category Blog
    – Choose a category = News
    – Name = NewsCat
    4. Clear all cache and make sure that the menu assignment of the desired modules only check Home menu
    5. Surf to your front-end site and you will see result.

    Hope this helps!




    lefevre Friend

    Thanks so much pb66 & Sherlock Holmes!

    This worked perfectly!

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  lefevre 12 years, 4 months ago.

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