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  • hartvig7345 Friend

    I can’t figure out where to change the remaining text parts of the login module ?

    I need to change the text “Name:” to “Navn:”

    I need to change the text “Verify Password:” to “Gentag password:”

    I need to change the text “Fields marked with an asteriks (*) are required.” til Felter markeret med en stjerne (*) skal udfyldes.”

    Hope you can help as these texts are not inside the language file.

    /Henrik Denmark

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator


    language file overrides are not working for this module. Its basically a override of default joomla registration >> index.php?option=com_user&view=register

    You can translate the text directly in the php file


    around line 90 onwards you can see these codes :

    [PHP]<label id=”namemsg” for=”name”>
    <?php echo JText::_( ‘Name’ ); ?>:

    Here you can change the ‘Name’ to your choice. You can translate the complete form this way.

    Hope it helps



    alemao59 Friend

    and how can i have the login form and create account form in 2 different languages? i need it in german and english? Any suggestions?

    jan2222 Friend

    and where do I translate “Create account”?

    Luna Garden Moderator

    <em>@jan2222 341354 wrote:</em><blockquote>and where do I translate “Create account”?</blockquote>

    To create translator for your JA Login Module, please copy file
    to your language folder, change name and change path translate to your language.
    If your language is Russian, change your file name to
    And change every single tag to Russian language.

    FORGOT_YOUR_PASSWORD="Forgot your password?"

    FORGOT_YOUR_PASSWORD="Забыли пароль?"

    Hope this helps.

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