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  • brenot Friend

    Hi, I´m starting to run a new news website using JA MAGZ2, and I need to be abble to translate the whole website to portuguese… I already installed the language, and configure it to shows PORTUGUESE…

    but some fields are´nt translated… As you can see in the screenshoot…

    Can somebody help me to translate this?


    1. ADOLFO_KONDER_translate_Home
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    You can login to the Disqus site with your account,there you can make changes yourself,
    the ‘Disqus’ comment text seems to be returned from the Disqus site .
    You can change the date from /language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_magz_ii.ini
    Find the code and change it here > http://prntscr.com/9q49ir
    you can find different other string in the same file , may be you also change them .

    isabelgica Friend

    Hi Pankaj,.

    I was looking for the same for Magz I, thanks!
    however, one more question here… I would like ALL the dates to be shown just as the date itself (15.01.16, for example) – when I change these Relative Times to m.d.y …. it doesn’t work–

    what code should I use to just show dd.mm.YY?..

    thanks in advance!


    1. date-format
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Hi This topic is for the translate the fields For a different topic , kindly open a separate thread and add your details there . It will help our community users .

    • i saw u already have your topic here kindly follow the same .
    isabelgica Friend

    Ok, sorry about that..

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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