If you install JA Fixel template, either via Quick Start pack or standalone, you’d notice that upon page load images automatically start sliding from right to left. If you would like to disable such auto sliding and allow for it to happen only when your visitor click on the right of left arrows, please do the following:
1. Go to Administrator > Template Manager > Custom Code > Before </body>
2. Insert into the “Before </body>” field the following code:
<script type=”text/javascript”>jQuery(document).ready(function(){
jQuery(‘.fixel-grid-wrapper .carousel’).carousel(‘pause’);
There you have it.
Kudos for this tip go to our customer orsomannaro, please go to http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/stop-autoplay-if-gallery-type-article/ and express your appreciation by clicking “Thanks”.
If you face any issues with implementing this tip or would like to discuss it, please create a separate thread.
Hope this helps,