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  • yziner Friend



    i need to integrate ja comment into Flexicontent

    how it can be done?


    To add Ja_comment to flexi content just make sure:
    1. your ja_comment system plugin is enabled.
    2. the show comments in flexicontent configuration is set to no.
    3. paste this code in the item.php file located in /com_flexicontent/templates/templatename/
    [PHP]<div class=”comments”>
    <?php echo ‘{jacomment contentid=’ . $this->item->id . ‘ option=com_javoice contenttitle=’ . $this->item->title . ‘}’ ?>

    just before:
    [PHP]<?php if ($this->params->get(‘comments’)) : ?>[/PHP]

    nghiatd Friend

    Please read this guide:
    If you want to use jacomment in custom component you have to set up Plugin JAComment system with component jacomment
    And add this code in detail file of Flexicontent:
    {jacomment contentid=ID option=com_Flexicontent contenttitle=TITLE}
    ID is “ID OF Flexicontent”
    TITLE is TITLE OF Flexicontent
    I use jacomment in javoice and I add code in file detail of voice:
    {jacomment contentid=<?php echo $item->id?> option=com_javoice contenttitle=<?php echo $item->title ?>}

    If you can’t make it run please send me your ftp and admin account in this link:

    Best Regards.

    yziner Friend

    Thank you very much i have edited my first post with the solution based on your help

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  yziner 13 years, 11 months ago.

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