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  • hanizar5777 Friend

    I have created an article in my Joomla 3.4.8. How to view the article in Purity III template by entering the URL?

    pavit Moderator


    Please have a look HERE


    hanizar5777 Friend

    That doesn’t help anything.

    pavit Moderator

    That doesn’t help anything.

    What you want to know exactly ?

    hanizar5777 Friend

    I have created an article in my Joomla 3.4.8 and the link is http://www.myclinic2u.com/v1.3/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=290.

    However, I cant view the article using Purity III template?

    pavit Moderator

    To render articles , joomla need to relate these articles to menu items – you can create a new menu item as type = single article and select the article you have created – then assign to the menu item as template style the Purity_III default template that should have as layout selected into Layout tab the default layout , which has insdie it the component block used by joomla to render components like com_content ( article ).

    Hope it helps.

    hanizar5777 Friend

    I dont want the menu to be display for public. How to hide the menu?

    pavit Moderator

    I dont want the menu to be display for public. How to hide the menu?

    You can hide Megamenu for specific page by using Page Class in menu item of that page. What you need to do is go to backend > menu > select menu item of page you want to hide Megamenu > Page Display (tab) > Page Class > add a class name, eg nomenu (remember to add a space before class name) The go to this folder: /templates/ja_template_name/css/, create a new file named custom.css and add this CSS rule:

    .nomenu .t3-mainnav { display: none; }

    Hope this helps.

    hanizar5777 Friend

    Sorry, I don’t understand your explanation. Is there any way you can explain in a lay man term.

    pavit Moderator

    Sorry, I don’t understand your explanation. Is there any way you can explain in a lay man term.

    Sorry but these are the terms which identify each single step to do, to hide mainmenu on a specific page, i don’t know how to explain in other words.

    You can read documentation about t3-framework HERE

    and search also on this forum for topics where users had your exact problem.


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