You should remove “/mpla15/” in url.
<em>@andyatglobeatone 317932 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi There,
I have inserted his code:
<map name=”FPMap0″>
<area href=”/mpla15/index.php/south-america/chile” shape=”polygon” onmouseover=”Tip(‘Click Here to Get Away to Chile!’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()” coords=”39,134,49,150,42,161,5,163,1,152,3,143 “>
</map><img border=”0″ src=”images/stories/frontmap.gif” width=”402″ height=”208″ usemap=”#FPMap0″>
into a a module that’s supposed to accept the code.
But the mouseover and the selection of the url destination doesn’t work, in an article it does work.
Is there something to do to make this aspect of HTML work in this type of module?
Thank You