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  • landed Friend

    I have just started to try and get my template in place. I have a lot of experience with templates and have used this t3framework before.
    For some reason I cant get it to show updates on the live site. Even basics such as the theme colour through thememagic. Preview shows the change.

    When I started I started to follow the docs and it told me to clone the style which I did and renamed. I guess this is so that updates to the core theme wont blow away all my customisations.

    Here is a screen shot that may point to an issue…thanks for any advice I am loosing a lot of time already now.

    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    You just need to save your new theme in thememagic and then choose it from theme tab as showed in my images below

    1. Screenshot-at-nov-21-18-17-10
    2. Screenshot-at-nov-21-18-17-43
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