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  • Julian Serna Friend

    Im trying to do some changes in the backend and i cant apply them.

    For some reason the template manager doesnt work when i try to chage for example the logo type from image to Text

    I need help because when i did the same thing in the jasocial quickstart it works. Looks like some plugin or component is missing


    Julian Serna Friend

    Im trying to reinstall everything and nothing works :(.

    When i install the T3 framework quickstart whit samples works fine.
    But when i install the T3 framework quickstart whitout samples doesnt work.
    And when i install everything separetly doesnt work.

    I can not find the solution.

    Thanks for help 🙂

    Julian Serna Friend

    oh my god i found the answer.

    it is happens when the spanish language is default in Backend 🙁

    beautyfull BUG.

    Can anyone explain me why this could be happened.

    Thanks a lot.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Dear lulianserna,
    Thanks for letting us know. But I dont know why I could not replicate the error? Tested with joomla spanish 1.5.22, ja social 1.2.1, I can perform saving fine with backend switching to Spanish.

    Julian Serna Friend

    Hi hungnd.

    I dont know the reason.


Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Julian Serna 13 years, 9 months ago.

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