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  • carlosemuralles JATC

    In the tutorials of T3 framework appears that the layout of the template can be dinamically modified, the column order, size and number, but in my Fubix template I cant modify anything, not even add module predefined positions, or cant be done in Fubix?

    Please help.

    Nazario A Friend

    Hi carlosemuralles,

    How do you want to modify the layout in JA Fubix template ? Please describe in more details so that I can give you further suggestion.


    Nazario A

    carlosemuralles JATC

    In the attach image you can see, that in the blue area (footer) I can change the number and size of columns, but in the red area I dont have this options.

    I want by example change size of position 5, and add a new position at the right of it or under mast-col.


    1. Captura
    Nazario A Friend

    Hi carlosemuralles,

    <blockquote>I want by example change size of position 5</blockquote>

    You can customize in this file: /templates/ja_fubix/tpls/blocks/homepage.php . Changing in here:

    "two_sidebars": {
    "default" : [ "span8 offset2" , "span2 offset-10" , "span2" ],
    "wide" : [ ],
    "xtablet" : [ "span8 offset4" , "span4 offset-12" , "hidden" ],
    "tablet" : [ "span12" , "span12" , "hidden" ],
    "mobile" : [ "span12" , "span12" , "hidden" ]

    * Then remember to complile LESS to Css in configuration of template.

    <blockquote>add a new position at the right of it or under mast-col.</blockquote>
    You can add new position under ‘mast-col’ position. Please try my suggestion:
    – Open file: /templates/ja_fubix/tpls/blocks/homepage.php
    – Add the red line code:

    <!-- MAIN CONTENT -->
    <div id="t3-content" class="t3-content <?php echo $this->getClass($layout, $col) ?>" <?php echo $this->getData ($layout, $col++) ?>>
    <div class="top-content clearfix">
    <div class="top-slideshow<?php $this->_c('slideshow')?>">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="<?php $this->_p('slideshow') ?>" style="T3Xhtml" />
    <div class="top-sidenews<?php $this->_c('sidenews')?>">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="<?php $this->_p('sidenews') ?>" style="T3Xhtml" />
    <?php if ($this->countModules($mastcol)) : ?>
    <!-- MASSCOL 1 -->
    <div class="ja-mastcol ja-mastcol-1<?php $this->_c($mastcol)?>">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="<?php $this->_p($mastcol) ?>" style="T3Xhtml" />
    <!-- //MASSCOL 1 -->
    <?php endif ?>
    <div class="new-position">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="new-position" style="T3Xhtml" />

    <!-- //MAIN CONTENT -->

    Let me know if this helps


    Nazario A

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