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  • Juan Hassan Friend

    My web site worked pretty well , until you make me move hosting , Make a backup and I uploaded the new host. But it gave me an error when uploading an image through editing an article or media manager , the message is “NOT A VALID IMAGE ” 🙁
    If I go manually to the / stories / folder, I can see it in the media manager and I can add perfectly to the article, but when I see on the web only see a picture without the image … Look in the resized folder and achieve see that new files have permission 600, and 644 and manually switch to see if I succeed on the web .

    Can someone help me please.

    Thank You.

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there
    In fact it’s Joomla! issue. Please consider submit your issue into Joomla! Community 🙂
    It look like server side issue with apache / php mode and permission.

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    timtecsa Friend

    Hi Juan,

    What is your site’s URL?


    timtecsa Friend

    Hi Juan,

    What is your site’s URL?


    timtecsa Friend

    Hi Juan,

    What is your site’s URL?


    Juan Hassan Friend

    hi, the domain name is http://www.gayguatemala.com, thanks

    timtecsa Friend

    Site looks OK. Did you fix the image upload problem?

    I see significant differences when I use Chrome, FF and Safari e.g. on this page http://www.gayguatemala.com/index.php/actualidad/news/nacionales/2917-xela2015

    Twitter timeline displays in Safari and FF but not in Chrome. Maybe it’s just my Chrome 🙂

    I notice you are not using URL rewriting.


    Juan Hassan Friend

    Hi Timtecsa, I didnt fix the image upload problem…

    timtecsa Friend
    1. Not a valid image
    2. Joomla, by default, doesn’t allow non-image uploads in the Media Manager (it is called the media manager, after all). This is because of safety concerns. A possible scenario where these safety concerns are valid is a disgruntled employee (who happens to have administrative access to your website) uploading (through Joomla’s Media Manager) a malicious PHP file that just deletes all the files that Joomla has write access to.

      An example in action where you will see this error is when you try to upload the docx file (even after adding docx to the Legal Extensions as per the above). Even though docx is now a legal file type, the upload fails because the file you’re trying to upload is not an image.

      This problem can be easily addressed by modifying Joomla’s Media Manager settings to allow uploads of non-image files. This can be done by logging in to the backend, clicking on the Options button on the top right, and then clicking on No next to Restrict Uploads. It’s that simple!

    from: http://www.itoctopus.com/common-errors-on-joomlas-media-manager

    If the above doesn’t help then I think you need to talk to your host to find out how to change the server’s configuration to ensure uploads have 0644 permission rather than 0600. It should be easy to change if you have access.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  timtecsa 9 years, 5 months ago.

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