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  • chronoforward Friend


    Please have a look at the site said in the fields above, (please do not make the site name and details publicly visible here) at the site i am getting same articles i.e. items loaded when clicking to load more awesomeness, for example sometimes it loads items from 1 to 42 and then it should load 43, 44 and so on, but instead it loads again 32, 33 etc

    please guide me how i can fix it or should you do anything over there.

    thank you,
    Sachin Solanki

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Chronoforward,

    I’ve tried to check your issue for sometimes now however I’m quite not getting the idea yet.
    Please provide me some screenshots for better illustrations on such for better understanding.


    matgray87 Friend


    I’m getting the same problem (see screenshot)

    The last 2 are the ones loaded after pressing ‘click to view more’.


    1. joomlascreenshot
    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Guys
    Please check id of items which you see duplicate. Because may be 2 other items have same image.


    matgray87 Friend

    Hi, nope – it’s definitely duplicated items…but only when the order is set to random, not by date.

    I need them to appear randomly though…


    HeR0 Friend

    Hi, you can set the sort item setting in menu and parameters of K2 component


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  HeR0 12 years, 6 months ago.

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