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  • Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    The issue is for the Joomla admin panel and as shown in the screenshot from the core Joomla.
    I am not able to understand the error because its in a different language(not in English).
    You can update all JA Extensions and templates using JA Extension Manager, but the above error does not seems from the template, as its in your Joomla admin side.
    You can share the site super user details in private reply so i can replicate it and give u exact suggestion for this topic.
    At this time it looks the issue from your core Joomla.


    imurillo Friend

    I have some issues in Main menu Component / Extension Manager ——–> it happes when I try to look for update , I have 15 windows similar to window above .

    1. telinev-error4
    imurillo Friend

    I have some issues in Main menu Component / Extension Manager ——–> it happes when I try to look for update , I have 15 windows similar to window above .

    There is a guide to update the template TelineV? Whats means update the service setting?
    Where is service manager ?

    1. telinev-error4-1
    2. telinev-error5
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    For the article issue You can share the site super user details in private reply so i can replicate it and give u exact suggestion for this topic.
    For the JAEM issue you have to add Joomlart account username password in it to update the JA Extensions.


    imurillo Friend

    I updated TelineV template and extensions, but a I still have an issue whit extension manager and I do not know how to update it, Please see the picture-, My question is if I have to click on upload buttom to update Extension manager,.

    I update T3 framework to 2.6.4 version ,, Now Joomlart has 2.6.5 version as you can see in the picture But is not possible to update from this place.

    When I clic on extension Manager buttoms I have issues as in the the picture I show, Please see the picture and tell me If Iam doing something wrong.

    I notice if I change error report System Default by Basic, everything works fine,
    see the picture please

    What do you suggest to do in order to remove issues?


    1. telinev-error6
    2. telinev-error7
    3. telinev-error9
    4. telinev-error8-1
    5. telinev-error11
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Follow this method:

    1. Set up JA Extension Manager Component

    The best method to upgrade JoomlArt products is using JA Extension Manager. The FREE extension brings a new way to manage extensions: upgrade, roll back, remote install, internal repository and compare versions.

    From back-end, go to: Components → JA Extension Manager then select Service Manager, now set JoomlArt as your default service. Next, hit the "Edit" button then add your Username and Password that you signed up in

    1. Upgrade JA Brickstore template

    Step 1 – check the new version of JA Brickstore template. Using the filter to find the JA telinev template then hit the "Check Update" button.

    Here is documentation for how to update.
    For the errors this seems from localhost, you can put the site online and check the JAEM.


    imurillo Friend

    I have joomla 3.7.2 and php 7.0.4 I update everything in my web page, but warming Methods with deprecated constructor in JAExtensions persist in JA Extension Manager .

    How to remove this warnings and issues ? Do you recomend pots this issues in joomla forum?

    issues : in article content I also has this issues Undefined property: stdClass::$rating_count Undefined property: stdClass:$rating

    List of Warming Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; jaDiffTool has a deprecated constructor in C:wamp64wwwminrexweb17administratorcomponentscom_jaextmanagerlibjaupqwedatercoreDiffTool.php on line 15 ….. Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; JAFormHelpers has a deprecated constructor in C:wamp64wwwminrexweb17administratorcomponentscom_jaextmanagerhelpersjahelper.php on line 18 … Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; jaXmlParser has a deprecated constructor in C:wamp64wwwminrexweb17administratorcomponentscom_jaextmanagerlibjaupdatercoreXmlParser.php on line 29 …… Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; PclZip has a deprecated constructor in C:wamp64wwwminrexweb17administratorcomponentscom_jaextmanagerlibxlibpclzippclzip.lib.php on line 172 ….. Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; CreateZipFile has a deprecated constructor in on line 13 …… Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; jaCompareTool has a deprecated constructor in C:wamp64wwwminrexweb17administratorcomponentscom_jaextmanagerlibjaupdatercoreCompareTool.php on line 16 …. Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; jaDiffTool has a deprecated constructor in C:wamp64wwwminrexweb17administratorcomponentscom_jaextmanagerlibjaupdatercoreDiffTool.php on line 15 …… Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; UpdaterConfig has a deprecated constructor in C:wamp64wwwminrexweb17administratorcomponentscom_jaextmanagerlibjaupdatercoreUpdaterConfig.php on line 19 …….. Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; jaMysqlHelper has a deprecated constructor in C:wamp64wwwminrexweb17administratorcomponentscom_jaextmanagerlibjaupdatercorehelperMysqlHelper.php on line 20 ………………………………………………………………………………………………


    1. telinev-deprected
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    These are only PHP warnings due to the PHP versions. Kindly set the Error report to NONE.
    save and check. It will not effect the site.


    imurillo Friend

    Pero desde que se reportan en el informe de errores para mi es problema que hay en algunos componentes y plugins de Joomlart que no esta listos para trabajar con la vertion 7.x de PHP.-

    Para mi la solucion no es cambiar Predeterminado del sistema por NInguno en el parametro Informe de errores

    Pero hasta el dia de hoy es la unica solucion que conozco,,alguien lo ha resuelto de otra manera? Por favor puede decirme como?

    I think the best solution could be repair the code that generates the warnings. Thanks.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  imurillo 7 years, 3 months ago.

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