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    Your post should be more appropriately titled: “BUYER BEWARE” of those who misrepresent themselves. In this case, it would be you.

    Let me provide a more reasoned rebuttal to all your claims.

    <em>@njjacob 116833 wrote:</em><blockquote>Not true I directly emailed support from my email I recieved when I signed in, maybe thats why no one responded to me, they never got it.

    But BUYER BEWARE>>>> I did not know there was a money back guarentee ONLY on developers – How horrible is that! A waste of $70, I have more trouble.

    Ignorance of the law does not exempt you from its consequences. That is also true when you deal with company policies.

    To begin with, as a customer of templates, each of the template companies, allow you a free inspection of all their templates, including a Demo page to give you a chance to have more detailed inspection of the features of each template — before you even pay any registration fee.

    You have every chance to compare products from different template companies — their templates and their policies. If not sure, you also have a chance to visit the public Forum.

    Pre-Sales Questions

    To clarify any misgivings that you have. Did you ask the questions, like: Will I get my money back, if I am not satisfied? Can I get full refund, after I started to download? etc, etc., etc.

    This question — Can I get full refund, after I started to download? — is more about ethics and personal integrity. It reminds me of someone who confessed that she needed a good dress for a party and went shopping to have one, assured that she would be able to return it the following day, anyway.

    In response to tcraw1010, you stated:

    <em>@njjacob 115711 wrote:</em><blockquote>the four downloads wher probably free extensions the only thing i downloaded
    since i joined the membership was 1 template and 1 domain listed. registered
    isnt a paid account.

    get your facts straight before you type something, :confused:</blockquote>

    Let me underscore your chosen word: probably. You mean, you cannot remember? With You are not sure that they are only free extensions? So, as a reader, since your recollection is just a “probability” and not a “certainty”, would it be unjustified to take a great leap and consider that you probably downloaded extensions and templates that should be legitimately done only by paying customers?

    How can you disprove and how can you prove to us that you did not do the second probable act?

    This goes back to the dress return policy that I alluded to above. The woman who did it indeed can return the dress — based on store policy. But, is it the ethical and moral thing that decent people should do.

    Now, let me add, from your own confession: “the four downloads...”, but when I looked under your username, you have now downloaded eleven (11)….: This means you have not stopped downloading —

    1. after your response to tcraw above
    2. after you have already declared your intention to Joomlart that you want your money back
    3. after you intitated this post
    4. after so many claims otherwise
    5. after you claimed that Joomlart … is “THE WORST TEMPLATE COMPANY EVER” (see quote below)

    If indeed, after you should have a chance to learn through more diligent investigation on your part — to ensure that before you enter into an agreement you are getting a good deal — not only have you realized you made a stupid mistake (for not doing what any informed buyer should have done) but you also made a blanket proclamation that Joomlart … is “THE WORST TEMPLATE COMPANY EVER”; but still you continue to download stuff from Joomlart?

    To incriminate yourself further, you contradicted yourself:

    <em>@njjacob 116833 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I have downloaded three times.. !</blockquote>

    So what is the true number? Four(4), three (3), eleven (11)? The download stat under your name is telling and revealing. It reminds me of one who is only accused of a crime — but got himself in deeper mess –, because he could not keep all his claims straight.

    <em>@njjacob 116833 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have downloaded three times.. I have downloaded three times.. !You have to have the quick start! I only need a template… waste of time, the zip is so huge. </blockquote>

    Well, if you took the time to investigate, there is a directory in each download that allows you to have only the template. However, I consider myself to be more experienced, and yet, I found it more easy to use the QuickStart kit because as the name implies, it is Quick to install and almost foolproof — especially for those who have no experience and expertise with scripting and programming. But, even those who are more seasoned and professional Developers who earn their living setting up websites for clients, they clamored here for the QuickStart kit — because it saves them a lot of their precious time.

    I might add that Joomlart is I think the one of the few (if not the only) Joomlart template company that provides the QuickStart kit, that is upgraded every time a new Joomla version appears — for all its most recent templates (and those widely used).

    <em>@njjacob 116833 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    and it keeps asking me for a password. </blockquote>

    Believe me, I have download many many more times than you did, and have setup quite a few Joomlart sites — but I do not recall having ever been asked for a password by Joomlart, once I downloaded a template for my own use. I do not follow the Forums closely, but I have not encountered any new or more experienced website developer reporting this?

    <em>@njjacob 116833 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    This reminds me of a very close friend of mine when I was a student in Baltimore. I can’t fault him too much, he is one of the best I have ever known. He took me everywhere and to many parts of the US, he introduced me to his friends, get along easily even with strangers, etc.

    One thing that I found amusing about him, he was so passionate about the things he liked: About the famed Chesapeake Blue Crabs: the best ever in the world, everything he experienced and enjoyed, especially if he wanted me to try: “The best ever in the world”. One flaw in his declarations was that during the time we have met, he had never been much outside of the United States and Canada. I do not think he did not even had a chance at the time to visit Europe.

    To proclaim:

    <em>@njjacob 116833 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    inddeed reminds me of my friend — a tendency to exagerate based from very limited experience or knowledge. But, one difference was that my friend meant well, and his claims could do no harm.

    I wish I could say the same of your intentions. Your post should be more appropriately titled: “BUYER BEWARE” of those who misrepresent themselves. In this case, it would be you.

    <em>@njjacob 116833 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    I do not claim to be an expert of all Joomlart templates, I like a few but couldn’t care less about the others, but apparently many many of those who are paying want them. Who am I to judge their choices?

    I have just one question to ask you: I would be very greatly indebted to you if you can point me to a Joomla template company that makes a similar news-magazine template better than Teline II? I still keep on looking for a better one. However, I joimed Joomlart in early August 2007– after doing extensive research of various choices from different companies, browsed through their available templates, asked questions, even bought iJoomla News and Magazine, and more — only because I liked the original Teline very much. I thought for it alone, at the time, it was worth $70. I paid $75 for iJoomla News, but after trying, I considered it was not what it appeared to be. But, it was the founder herself who pointed me to the original Teline template, after a number of correspondence, so I considered that tip worth the cost. I did not ask to be refunded the $75 from iJoomla because I already downloaded and tried the product, and kept it.

    For the same reason, I did not demand (nor ask Joomlart) to refund the balance of my registration fee for one year because I already downloaded their product — the original Teline.

    I did join Gavick PRO, because I liked their News Template, but came back sometime in May 2008 to Joomlart when they came up with Teline II, one that I have suggested in the Feedback Forum — a few days after I joined. I will keep on searching for a better news-magazine template perhaps an evolution of Teline II from Joomlart (as Teline II has more room for improvements), or from any other company, if they can make a better one.

    I am willing to pay any template company, much much more than $70, for a more radical improvement of the current news-magazine template. I am even wiling to chuck Joomla, as a CMS, if that has to be the choice.

    And, with your proclamatory warning:

    <em>@njjacob 116833 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    what are you claiming about us, who are still with Joomlart, in my case, for almost almost two years now, but others have been here longer? Gullible? Clueless? No sense of aesthetics as to what an elegant or functional tempate should be like? Or, just plain lazy to look around — as you claim to have done extensively, in order to proclaim our own choice to be “THE WORST TEMPLATE COMPANY EVER”? I should take it a personal attack, but then again, maybe such proclamations may say more about you.

    I have been a constant critic of Joomlart myself, so many times, and expect to do so whenever I felt it is needed. However, I find your claims here not only dubious, but disingenuous.

    If ever any potential client should opt to decide not to join Joomlart, it must be because of legitimate reasons.
    The fact is, it is more telling about you as a person, to claim a company is “THE WORST TEMPLATE COMPANY EVER” if your actions indicate that you have not even bothered to do the minimal expected of an informed consumer to make the correct choice for yourself.

    I planned to ignore this thread, but you keep on going, even with a trail of evidence (as I documented above) that you have contradicted yourself, so many times. If you paid yourself for the amount of time spent staking your claims, it might have cost more. Sometimes, such crusade is the right thing to do, even if it cost more (some even sacrifice their lives for a moral cause).

    However, in your case, I found your cause wanting. Except for this response, I have no plans to go into further debate on the issue. Give it a rest. In the infinite of time, none of these matters.

    On a different note, I agree with Menalto and sunrise:

    <em>@Menalto 117208 wrote:</em><blockquote>tcraw1010 and woohanetworks:
    This post here should be keept as it was a post regarding a issue with membership and payment/refund.
    njjacob feelt he needed to post aboutthis issue and Hung have responded to it.
    By adding theese images of crying kids does not make it any better. Let the post be on it’s subject.</blockquote>

    However, we feel about the issue, there is a difference between personal attack and legitimate rebuttal. Let us avoid the former. Also, if we are given the power to do so, let us not delete posts, simply because they do not agree to our own perspectives. After all, there should be enough airing of views to let an intelligent reader to make the right decision for themselves.


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This topic contains 16 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  cgc0202 15 years, 7 months ago.

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