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  • citytec Friend

    When i go to change for the basic selected categories to other i take this

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method modJaNewsProHelper::_makeId() in E:sites………..modulesmod_janewspromod_janewspro.php on line 117

    in frontpage.
    Please help i must finish the site and i have stoked.:)

    guap Friend

    I get the same error. I guess this is a bug.

    Saguaros Moderator


    this is a bug of the module, please download the latest version and upgrade yours to resolve the issue


    citytec Friend

    <em>@tienhc 218616 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello

    this is a bug of the module, please download the latest version and upgrade yours to resolve the issue


    i have the latest version . please inform me what i can find the lastes?

    iguinee Friend

    I am using the latest version as well, 1.0.4. The problem occurs when one tries to change the settings.

    It should have been much easier to do, but as soon as I change the settings of the modules (default or linear), my site is down with same fatal error message, …line 117

    iguinee Friend

    <em>@citytec 218485 wrote:</em><blockquote>When i go to change for the basic selected categories to other i take this

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method modJaNewsProHelper::_makeId() in E:sites………..modulesmod_janewspromod_janewspro.php on line 117

    in frontpage.
    Please help i must finish the site and i have stoked.:)</blockquote>

    Please check this link. I hope you will find your answer.

    guap Friend

    Thanks for the link it fixed

    citytec Friend

    <em>@iguinee 218676 wrote:</em><blockquote>Please check this link. I hope you will find your answer.</blockquote>

    thanks a lot

    brutus315 Friend

    I can’t get articles to appear as most recent added, and it’s driving me nuts………and can’t get sub catagories to appear in right order

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear brutus315,

    Please explain in more details,you are talking about the core com_content or any other modules.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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