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  • magicbag Friend


    Today I was trying to upgrade my site from 1.0 to 1.5. I planned on doing a fresh install and just manually transfer the content. I installed the quick start 1.5 and then realized that it does not come in the Artistic 1.5. I tried the fix posted by: bydomino and this only got me ‘sort-of’ there.

    I have a few issues, I also installed the sample data and when I click on my main nav button called ‘Artistic Style’ it went directly to Joomlart’s Artistic Demo page. This is quite confusing and I lost a lot of time trying to figure out what was happening and why I could not get the artistic style offered by Joomlart.

    I really need this to remain the same artistic style.

    My other issue is that for the life of me, I can not figure out how the get the left column to display on the left of the main content. I did find a post with a hack but I think it is for J1.0 not 1.5 and bedsides, in the JA demo and now my ‘demo data’ site in the main nav ‘Layouts’ there is a sub menu button called ‘Main + Left’ and it works on my site. So, this template already has the ability to display this layout but how do I recreate the page to be the default for the entire site?

    I have tried to figure it out from the back end without any luck. I’m pretty sure that it has to do with the id ‘ja-container-fr’ on the main + left page where all the rest ‘ja-container’. I just don’t know where to set the -fr

    main + left page code
    <div id=”ja-container-fr” class=”clearfix”>

    <!– BEGIN: CONTENT –>
    <div id=”ja-mainbody-fr”>
    All other pages code

    <div id=”ja-container” class=”clearfix”>

    <!– BEGIN: CONTENT –>
    <div id=”ja-mainbody”>

    I think Joomlart should either include the artistic style in the 1.5 version and post instructions in the user guide on how to make the left column display on the far left.

    So much time wasted today on this project.

    seppo Friend

    Just to express also my intrest to have JA to transfer artistic version also to 1.5 version.

    seppo Friend

    I sent a support post for JA, and they recognized wistery artistic was never transferred to 1.5 and promised to do it soon..

    Anonymous Moderator

    <em>@seppo 142839 wrote:</em><blockquote>Just to express also my intrest to have JA to transfer artistic version also to 1.5 version.</blockquote>

    Hi guys,

    In fact, JA Wistery artistic is a stype of JA Wistery: http://template.joomlart.com/ja_wistery_artistic/

    JA Wistery is compatible to joomla 1.5 already. Please find the link for download via: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/downloads.php?do=cat&id=44

    However, this style is not available in the download of joomla 1.5 at the moment.

    Hope this help.

    seppo Friend

    Thank you for new info.

    However I still cannot find how to get that style to 1.5 – please have a look at following:
    I installed the original Joomla 1.0 version to here, with artistic style which is what I am trying to get now to 1.5:

    Notice the pictures at header, the clip at down right at User 10 module, background, the darker area behind “you are here” etc – different style.

    Then, I installed the package found at your current downloads section, the 1.5 version that you also pointed me into:

    This is clearly different style, the normal style.
    Now, how can I change this look to what is at the 1st example?

    You can log into admin side of that Joomla 1.5 version from

    with details:
    Login: admin
    Password: wistery

    If you look at Extensions-Template Manager->ja_wistery there is no option to change the style to artistic version – so how can I change it? If, as you say it is already included in that template (actually it is showed also at the thumbnail image of the template) its good, but how to activate it – how to get same look as at the 1.0 example there?

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi guys,

    JA is considering to get this artistic style in joomla 1.5. The information shall be updated soon for you, guys.

    magicbag Friend

    That’s great!!! Only 16 months after this thread started. I’m sure we are all looking forward to a 1.5 version of the Artistic template.

    I had also asked how to get the left column to the left side like you advertise in your demo. I hope you include this ability with instructions.

    Thank you

    seppo Friend

    Hi there,

    Any new development news from JA, when could we expect this 1.5 update to show up?

    Thanks in advance, its great to finally have this modernized!


    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear seppo!

    Can you pls explain the issue in detail!

    i have a clear understandable about this. would you like to get a version template working on the Joomla 1.5.x or how?


    seppo Friend

    Dear Tienhc,

    Yes, I (and others who have written to this subject I suppose) would need the JA Wistery Artistic as Joomla 1.5.x template. As explained earlier, it has never been translated to 1.5 template, it exists only as joomla 1.0 template.

    When asking for this from JA, I got answer that the template already was translated to 1.5 Therefore I put up the demosites (maybe that mixed you up?), showing that Artistic version did exist for 1.0 but NOT for 1.5 – which then was approved by JA support (by email) : “It seems JA Wistery Artistic template was never upgraded to J 1.5. ” (that I copied from that email)
    And in the same post it was promised to be done. After that, I have been writing here on this list – hoping it to come up soon.. As magicbag said we (JA customers) have been waiting this for over 16 months.. 😉

    If it could be finally done it would very nice.

    Thank you in advance!

    magicbag Friend

    I would like to add that I need this template to preform like advertised on your demo site 16 months ago.

    tienhc, here is a what we are all asking for:
    1) Make JA Wistery Artistic Joomla 1.5.x compliant.
    2) Ability to have a Left column + Content + Right column layout

    Example of 3-column layout: http://www.artistravel.com/ (This site uses JA Wistery Artistic and Joomla 1.0.15)

    FYI, the artistravel web site has been in limbo for 16 months waiting for a solution the this request.

    Thank you tienhc for addressing this request.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear magicbag!

    I have checked your site, you are using the joomla version 1.0.
    Now, you can use the template package working on joomla 1.5 and get this from the download section:

    At the moment, we stop to develop this template working joomla version 1.1. if you have a plan for upgrade the site with joomla 1.5, you must to customize the template to work with your idea: <blockquote> 2) Ability to have a Left column + Content + Right column layout</blockquote>
    While developing, you have any problems pls contact with me via ticket or via email: tienhc@joomsolutions.com.

    I try to do together with you


    seppo Friend

    Dear Tienc,

    I am not sure if I understood your message correctly?

    Are you saying that Joomla Art will never upgrade the artistic version to Joomla 1.5 :confused:

    If so this is not nice thing to do – in mandy advertisements over the years JA says all templates are 1.5 compilant. Also, we have waited over 16 months to get some answer to this and now it is that it won’t be done? If it is now that it is “outdated” by JA standards, was it same 16 months ago?
    Moreover, people writing to this thread have been trying to upgrade it themselves when there was no answer, but I am sure it would be much much easier by JA as it is part of the business and all the files and know how is at JA – there might be even scripts at JA which do this when it would require only few clicks..

    Then again, if did not understand you, when could we have this 1.5 version of artistic template?

    Just in case: The link you provided does offer 1.5 version yes, but NOT for artistic version, IT IS TOTALLY MISSING FROM THERE.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear seppo!

    I’m sorry for misunderstanding my answer.
    I would like to talk that: The Wistery have already worked on Joomla version 1.5,
    Can you please explain more detail about your disscussion, and if possbile give me some examples to help me having a deep understandable on the issue, i ‘ll try to transfer your ideas for our developers

    <blockquote>Just in case: The link you provided does offer 1.5 version yes, but NOT for artistic version, IT IS TOTALLY MISSING FROM THERE.</blockquote>


    seppo Friend

    Hi Tienhc,

    Thanks for your answer and thanks for not just letting it go 🙂

    Ok, to put this in short:
    You say that this is already woked to 1.5 version. I say that WISTERY is worked to 1.5 version but WISTERY ARTISTIC is not. Now if I am wrong please show us how can we put up the artistic version at Joomla 1.5 version of the template?

    As I have written before here at this thread and to JA by email, please have a look at following:
    I installed the original Joomla 1.0 version to here, with artistic style which is what I we are trying to get now to 1.5:

    Notice the pictures at header, the clip at down right at User 10 module, background, the darker area behind “you are here” etc – different style.

    Then, I installed the package found at your current downloads section, the 1.5 version that you also pointed us into:

    This is clearly different style, the normal style.
    Now, how can I change this look to what is at the 1st example?

    You can log into admin side of that Joomla 1.5 version from

    with details:
    Login: admin
    Password: wistery

    If you look at Extensions-Template Manager->ja_wistery there is no option to change the style to artistic version – so how can I change it? If, as you say it is already included in that template (actually it is showed also at the thumbnail image of the template) its good, but how to activate it – how to get same look as at the 1.0 example there?

    In case you come to same conclusion as others I have talked to (that wistery artistic is not there at 1.5 version yet), please tell to next guy not to question the whole thing again, but to work it out.. I mean it feels stupid to tell same story over and over again..
    However if the artistic version is there and this whole thread is unnecesary, have my apologies and please, show us how to get it activated – how to change the wistery version of the template to wistery artistic version of it?

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