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  • oluwadare Friend

    Good Day, i will like to add bachground image as advertising package to my site, also need some home page ad module that you will need display advert on first time you open homepage and drops down in seconds.

    Thank you

    TomC Moderator

    I’m afraid I am not entirely certain as to what it is exactly you are wanting to accomplish.
    Might you be able to throw-together a screenshot mock-up of what it is you are wanting to do?

    As for an advertising module, the best one I know of is iJoomla AD AGENCY[/url]

    kobenes Friend

    For adding whole site background advertisement maybe you can use Supersized Background Slideshow extension… Yes this is a slideshow extension but I think you can turn it into a advertisement solution. Or if you have code knowledge (php and CSS) you can do it yourself, too.

    And for a popup opening advertisement you can check Popup modules from JED.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  kobenes 13 years ago.

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