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  • khalva Friend

    Hello 🙂 I would like to translate these strings from English to Bulgarian:

    Could you be so kind to tell me the name of the file, which should I edit?

    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    It is a JA ACM Module type countdown – style-1 published in home-1 position

    Text weight loss is the module title so you can change it with your preferred text

    To change day – hour – min – sec – edit this file /templates/ja_charity/acm/countdown/tmpl/style-1.php
    and change the text inside <p class="days_ref">day

    to <p class="days_ref">yourtext and so on for all others .

     <ul class="countdown">
                      <span class="days">0</span>
                      <p class="days_ref">day</p>
                    <li class="seperator">:</li>
                        <span class="hours">0</span>
                        <p class="hours_ref">hour</p>
                      <li class="seperator">:</li>
                        <span class="minutes">0</span>
                        <p class="minutes_ref">min</p>
                      <li class="seperator">:</li>
                        <span class="seconds">0</span>
                        <p class="seconds_ref">sec</p>
    khalva Friend

    Hello, thank you for your assistance. Could you be so kind to take a look at clubpopitai.com? There is an issue with that – initially the system is loading the translated version, and after that the translated strings are being replaced by the default ones.

    pavit Moderator


    Could you share as private reply a temp super user account to your backend ?

    I will have a look at it

    khalva Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    I made changs also in this file /templates/ja_charity/js/down-count/jquery.downCount.js

    var ref_days = (days === 1) ? 'day' : 'дни',
                    ref_hours = (hours === 1) ? 'hour' : 'часа',
                    ref_minutes = (minutes === 1) ? 'minute' : 'мин',
                    ref_seconds = (seconds === 1) ? 'second' : 'сек';


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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