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  • slart Friend

    Dear members,

    under the menuepoint “Unternehmen” (means company) I have published an article which is also shown on the Homepage. How can I delete the article (Unsere Kompetenz) on the homepage. I do not want to have there any content-articles – I’d like to have only the design/the modules of Ja Beranis.

    please see: http://www.raeume-zum-mieten.de

    Thanks for your help in advance!

    Sylwester Kowalski Friend

    The articles on the home page are pulled from the uncategorized category. Please make sure that the article you created Unsere Kompetenz is not under the uncategorized category. If you are still having problems pm admin access and I can have a quick look for you.

    slart Friend

    Dear Sly,
    thank you for your quick response. The “unsere Kompetenz” is categorized. I have often read “PM”, but how can I do this (which button do I have to push?).
    Best regards

    robvp Friend

    To remove article from homepage go to backend joomla admin and go to articles. In the list you will see a little yellow star.

    Click on that star to make it unfeatured and remove it from front page.

    Hope this helps

    Nazario A Friend

    Hi slart,

    Please do as follow:
    Go to Back-end >> Content >> Article Manager >> Find this article (Unsere Kompetenz), then select “Unpublished” for status.

    If you only want to not show on that page, please do as follow:
    – Go to Back-end >> Extensions >> Template Manager >> Your template >> Layout Tab >> Create new layout (To clone “default” layout is better)
    – Click “Save and Copy” ( http://prntscr.com/1jvlxb )
    – Input new layout-name then click “Clone it” ( http://prntscr.com/1jvm95 )
    – Open file: templatesja_beranistpls”new_name_layout”.php ( http://prntscr.com/1jvn11 )
    – Find and delete this code:

    <?php $this->loadBlock ('mainbody') ?>
    – Then assign that layout to menu item of that page.
    Hope this is clear and helpful to you.



    slart Friend

    thank you for your tipp – but the article is not featured (there is no star)

    Sylwester Kowalski Friend

    To send me a PM with login details to your website just click on my name sly123 in the forum post and click private message. Once you send me the login details I can log in to the back end of your website and have a quick look for you.

    slart Friend

    Dear Nazario,
    thank you for your help. Sly is just going to check my site. Propably your proposal might help!
    Best regards

    slart Friend

    Dear Sly,
    many thanks. It works. What have you done?
    Best regards

    Sylwester Kowalski Friend

    No problem please click the thanks button.

    All I did was change the home menu item to featured articles instead of single article and that did the trick.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Sylwester Kowalski 11 years, 6 months ago.

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