I have created a /templates/ja_teline_iv/local/themes/py folder to hold my custom template changes. I have a css folder with py.css and template.css. In Firefox and Chrome the custom CSS that I have made is showing up, but when I view the site in IE7 or IE9 none of my custom CSS changes are showing up. Is there a trick to get IE to use the local theme? I have changed the logo to use an image in my local folder’s images file and modified the css to use that image. It works for FF & Chrome, but not IE. In the theme’s Profile tab, I have set the default to have my local py theme, then the Blue-color and finally Default. All pages have been set to use the Default profile.
Modules that I have in position slr-1 are not showing in IE but they display fine in Chrome and FF.
See http://www.py.keashly.ca, the logo is still the default Teline logo instead of my logo, but in FF my logo displays.
Thank you for any help on this.