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  • toxedach Friend

    Good morning.
    Recently started to use the framework, like everything, but recently ran into this problem. If you use a modern browser Mozilla, Opera, Chrome displays everything correctly (as in the screenshot 1.jpg), then there is no extra whitespace. And if you use browsers IE6, IE7 inserts tags <br> for which there are white spaces, and disrupted the structure of design (as in the screenshot 2.jpg). Trying to find in the code where is this treatment, but did not find it.
    Tell me how to fix it. stop using ie6 ie7 and is not an option.

    And another question. Where can I find an item that inserts a blank line in the code as shown in the screenshot 3.jpg

    Thank you in advance.

    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    himangi Friend


    Can you please provide your site url so that I can check it in IE at my end and suggest you a solution?

    I didnt understnad your last question regarding the blank link… Can you please explain it again, preferably with your site url reference?

    whetheryougetup Friend

    Hi all,

    I have the same troubles using IE7. There’s additionnaly <br> tags which are generated. There were no response to this thread since few months so I started a new thread. Unfortunatly, for unindentified reasons, the moderator who tried to help me couldn’t connect and see what’s happend.

    Now, here I am, hoping that one of you already found a solution to remove thoses unwanted <br> tags.

    You can check my website: http://www.ae91.fr
    or see those two attached images to see what i’m talking about :
    usingfirefox7.jpg 🙂
    usinginternetexplorer7.jpg :((

    The problem appears using IE7 (and maybe IE6 – i’m not interested by this one). In my case, between the div id=”ja-container” and the div id=”ja-navhelper”.

    Thank you for any suggestions.


    1. usinginternetexplorer7
    2. usingfirefox7
Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  whetheryougetup 13 years, 2 months ago.

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