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  • kellerpj Friend

    NEX Template displays unnecessary popup ie6 warning in IE9 (9.0.8112.16421), Safari (5.1.5), Opera (11.6), and Firefox (11.0). The script for the pop-up allows the user to check a box that suppresses the pop-up by depositing a cookie; however, the problem is likely to return if the cookie is blocked or purged. It’s a user annoyance that diminshes the positive experience of the well designed template. Can the trigger code be remedied so that the pop-up is not firing for non-ie6 browsers? Or, is there a work around that suppresses the message entirely. Site is at http://www.lekolblog.com. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

    Peace, Paul Keller

    pavit Moderator


    Check if you have the latest version of the JaT3 Framework plugin if is not so please upgrade it and the issue will be solved

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