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  • marketmotive Friend

    Using IE8 we see some formatting problems with Iolite.

    We’ve modified the template so it’s not so easy to show examples from our site, however the exact same problem happens on the Iolite demo template:

    We need a fix for Iolite.

    1. iolite-formatting-2-in-IE8
    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Still would need to see the site so we can grab the exact CSS line numbers you need to change.


    marketmotive Friend

    It’s tricky – we have a few IE8 problems (and Safari) but they are in areas of the template that I have modified. I was hoping you could fix this in the main Iolite download file (for Joomla 1.0 BTW) and then I can diff the changes against my original, and go fix in my modified template.

    Perhaps you’re a CSS guru, in which case you might have opinions about the formatting problems on this page in IE8 (Firefox & IE7 are pretty much OK):


    The RSS feed on the right is in the wrong place, and the orange signup buttons within the 3 boxes at the top are wrong – I think because of absolute positioning.


    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Again, would love to help you, but what you suggest is sort of backward from the normal SOP.

    If you have an issue with IE8 we can usually get you the work around…again with a URL. Maybe I’m missing something, but it appears you are asking us to guess how to make the demo look like the modifications in your template and then come up with a hypothetical answer for modifying the Joomlart template to match your modifications.

    With IE8 just out of Beta…it will be at least a year before developers, as a whole, program directly for IE8. until then there will just be work-arounds.

    Hope this helps!

    mj1256 Friend

    or, as IE8 is still beta and the final version is not available,

    check out this joomla extension
    IE 8 Compatibility

    This plugin automatically activate Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility View. Visitors who use this browser will see your web site without display problems although it isn’t optimized for Internet Explorer 8.

    wooohanetworks Friend

    I already wait to hear some people cry…”I installed this plugin, and some upset users called their lawyers, as —it does changes on my computer I did not authorize before— Now I am stuck by them”:laugh::laugh:

    marketmotive Friend

    mj1256 – many many thanks.

    That’s exactly what I needed : a quick hack to get IE8 working cleanly and we’ll deal with it properly later. I didn’t know IE8 has that compatibility mode. Works great.

    John m.

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  marketmotive 15 years, 10 months ago.

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