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  • jlewis3233 Friend

    I’m having issues with the image dimensions of the leading articles and intro articles in the Magazine Featured News 1 module. I’ve attached screen shots, which I hope I’m explaining right. (After playing around with other modules, this problem also exists in the category listing modules)

    In image 1, that is that is the full photo, which is embedded into the text box when I created the article. In image 2, that is how it looks on a blog category page. That is how I would like the photos displayed. It’s the full image.

    When I do it like that, on the home page of the site, in the Magazine Featured News 1 module, the image for the leading articles shows up like image 3, which is pretty terrible. Most of the image is cut off. I can’t have that. So I figured out how to solve that issue. On the article page, I went to the Images and Links tab and selected an intro image instead of embedding it into the text box. That is shown in image 4.

    So now the leading article photo in the Magazine Featured News 1 module works properly, but that has led to another problem. The image on the article page and on the category page do not have the proper dimensions. Which are images 5 and 6. (these images are on the next post, I couldn’t attach them all in one post)

    I’ve been looking through the controls on the back end of the site, trying to figure out this out. I tried going with a full article image, but no intro image. I tried going with a intro image but no full article image. I tried going with both. I tried going with an intro image and then embed the full image into the article. I tried to see if I could have an intro image and embedded image, but somehow turn it off the intro image for the article and category page while hoping that it would still work for the Magazine Featured News 1 module. I tried to see if I could change the dimensions of the image box for the category and article pages, and for the module.

    None of these have worked.

    One other thing that I noticed, if I do not have an intro photo selected for the article, there will not be an image for the intro articles in the module. So I’m having issues with both the leading article photos and the intro article photos.

    So I guess what I’m looking to do is to have intro images for the module, but the embedded image for the article and category.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    1. 1-1
    2. 2-2
    3. 3-1
    4. 4
    jlewis3233 Friend

    Images 5 and 6

    1. 5
    2. 6
    jlewis3233 Friend

    To further illustrate my point, I checked out the demo and found the attached images. The first image is from the body of the article, and it is about the same as the image in the slideshow. The second image is the full image.

    My issue is that too much of the image is being cut off, and it doesn’t appear that I have the control to say what part of the image is cut off. I would like the full image to be displayed in the module, on the category page, and in the body of the article. Many times cutting off part of the image can totally change the picture. When I embed the image into the body of the article, I can get the full image in the article and on the category page, but it does not fit at all in the Magazine Featured News 1 module on the front page. If I use an intro image, it fits that module, but it cuts off too much of the photo in the body of the article and on the category page.

    1. Screen-Shot-2016-08-06-at-2.38.58-PM
    2. Screen-Shot-2016-08-06-at-2.39.54-PM
    jlewis3233 Friend

    Another update. I changed the module to style 3, which I like a lot more, and it’s the same problem. When I use an intro picture, I get the full image in the module, but when I go to the story, about a half of the picture is cut off (that’s also the case when I select a full article image).

    In the first image that I attached, the two empty boxes on the right do not have an intro image. The image is embedded into the article, and the full image shows. For the other three stories, there is an intro image, which shows the full image, but in the article the image is nearly cut in half. Which can be seen in the second imaged that I attached.

    1. Screen-Shot-2016-08-07-at-8.54.26-AM
    2. Screen-Shot-2016-08-07-at-8.58.35-AM
    jlewis3233 Friend

    So my journey to solve this issue continues. I searched the forums and found this thread:

    The moderator who answered the question said this:

    Actually it’s a full image but the image height has been limited. Please open file root_folder/templates/ja_teline_v/local/css/themes/foundation/custom.css then add this code :
    .article-intro-media .item-image {max-height: none;}

    Okay, that seems like it would totally solve my problem of having the full image shown in the article, instead of it being cut off. And I’d be able to keep the intro image for the modules on the front page.

    But I’m looking for that folder (I’m not all that good with html), and I’m not finding it. I’m going to continue searching for it, and hopefully this solves my issue.

    Saguaros Moderator


    Guy in that topic customize a new theme so you won’t find that directory on your site. You can try to add the custom css into this file: ROOT/templates/ja_teine_v/css/custom.css (create this file if it doesn’t exist).

    jlewis3233 Friend

    Thanks for the response.

    I’m still not understanding how to fix the problem. I’m not good with coding. When I went to templates / ja_teline_v / css / , I didn’t see custom.css after that, and I don’t understand how to add a custom code.

    jlewis3233 Friend

    Seems like one easy fix would be if I selected an intro image, but not a full article image, and that intro image was only used for the module on the front page, but not as the lead photo on the category page or in the body of the article. When I embed a photo into the text box I get the full image, which is what I want. But if I select an intro image with no full body image, and I also embed the photo into the body of the article, I end up getting two photos. The intro photo which is cut off, and the embedded photo which is properly displayed.

    Looks like the larger problem with this template is that the photo boxes are highly inconsistent.

    Saguaros Moderator


    As I mentioned above, if the ‘custom.css’ file doesn’t exist in the path: /templates/ja_teline_v/css/ you can simply create it and add the custom css into this file.

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