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  • adrew Friend

    I’m trying to solve my image distortion problem. I’d like to be able to control the thumbnail sizes that appear in the JA-news Module based on the orientation of the image (i.e. W>H or H>W) with a couple of if..else statements. However I cannot find the proper file or code block to do this. In the JA-teline/modules/mod_janews.php the image is already constrianed to the dimentions used in the administrator settings. How can I bypass this code? Is there a way that I can and either pull the image orginal size and adjust it there or can I modify the module in a way that will check for orientation of the image?

    My other problem is similar in nature. I’m trying to do a similar adjustment to the images that are being used in the rotator on the same module. I can get this to work, but when the page is first loaded the first image in the rotator is huge. But the following images are at the correct proportions. And once all the stories have been rotated through the first story image is at it’s correct size. How do I go about fixing that?

    Any solutions and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    adrew Friend

    Just to give you an idea of what I’m talking about. My live site is http://www.theshorthorn.com and my test site that I’m trying my changes on first is spubs.info/teline2/

    again, thanks for any help you can provide

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  adrew 17 years, 3 months ago.

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