test melih
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  • jdponce Friend

    That is, It is possible to configure an image background instead a color code?, how can I do that.

    Thanks in advance

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear jdponce !
    You can do it following way below :
    Open template.css file in templates/ja_quillaja/css folder, find following code section at about line 24 :

    body#bd {
    background:#FCF3EE none repeat scroll 0 0;

    change to :

    body#bd {
    background:url(../images/[background image name]);

    jdponce Friend

    Okay, that set the background image and I added:

    background-attachment: fixed;
    But in home page is great, and when I go to another section, I got the same background in main text area, I dont want this, I want the background only in left and right side of template.


    scotty Friend

    Find the ja-wrapper line in your css and assign a background colour to it. As the wrapper ‘appears’ in front of the body tag – it’s background will be on top of it.

    jdponce Friend

    Nope, first I set the image background, and is ok, but when I add a color in ja-wrapper background, the background image dissapear, the same as I was at the beginning. :confused:

    scotty Friend

    Sorry, my mistake.

    <blockquote>when I go to another section, I got the same background in main text area</blockquote>

    Do you have a live URL or a screenshot of this?

    jdponce Friend

    Okay, my site is still offline but this is the attachment is an example, if you see at left, the background must be white, but the image background repeats in all the visible area, I did what you told me -in ja-wraper- but all the visible area was white color. :confused:

    1. sample
    scotty Friend

    ahh… is that virtemart? you will need to edit the css for that component. Would be very easy for me to tell you with a live site but very hard this way I’m afraid.

    jdponce Friend

    Nope, not is the css of virtuemart, If I go to “Contact us”, or a news article is the same effect, the problem is in template, but thanks for your help 🙂

    jdponce Friend

    I got it! if we want a background image, but the color background text area white, the image like this:

    body#bd {
    background-image: url(../images/yourimage.gif);
    background-repeat: fixed;
    color: #333333;
    text-align: center;

    and for white background in col1 text area:

    #ja-content {
    float: left;
    width: 60%;
    background-color: #FFFFFF;

    I added a background-color line and voila!

    I hope this be useful to somebody.

    jdponce Friend

    Heeeey but I got a problem!, in some sections I got a variable size background space, how can I fill this space with white color?, please see the image.

    1. problem
    Sherlock Friend

    Dear jdponce !

    Please kindly send live URL of your site, i want to have a closer look on the problem.

    jdponce Friend

    Thanks hainn84 but I fixed it, I changed all colors with search and replace in css file, I replaced the original template.css and the headers are fine, I must change the colors one by one… is better 🙂

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This topic contains 13 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jdponce 15 years, 11 months ago.

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