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  • hariorama Friend

    who knows how to make these images in blocks klickabel to the article?

    1. images
    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi hariorama,

    In that block, we use default ‘Articles Category’ module of Joomla, you need to hack in code to achieve like that.

    Take a backup for your site first then try this way:

    – Open file: templatesja_argohtmlmod_articles_categorybrick.php

    – At approx line 57:
    <img title=”<?php echo htmlspecialchars($caption) ?>” src=”<?php echo htmlspecialchars($image); ?>” alt=”<?php echo htmlspecialchars($alt); ?>”/>

    change it to

    <a href=”<?php echo $item->link; ?>”>
    <img title=”<?php echo htmlspecialchars($caption) ?>” src=”<?php echo htmlspecialchars($image); ?>” alt=”<?php echo htmlspecialchars($alt); ?>”/>

    Give it a try and let me know how it goes 🙂

    This thread was missed to reply and I’m sorry for the same.


    hariorama Friend

    thanks so much saguaros. it works like a charm. 🙂

    can we also do it with these images?

    1. Neues-Bild
    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi again,

    In this case, you need to change template override file for com_content.

    – Go to file: templatesja_argohtmlcom_contentcategoryblog_item.php

    – You’re looking for the following block of code, around line 34

    <?php if ($images->image_intro_caption):
    echo ‘class=”caption”‘.’ title=”‘ .htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro_caption) .'”‘;
    endif; ?>
    src=”<?php echo htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro); ?>” alt=”<?php echo htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro_alt); ?>”/>

    change it to:

    <a href=”<?php echo JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($this->item->slug, $this->item->catid)); ?>”>
    <?php if ($images->image_intro_caption):
    echo ‘class=”caption”‘.’ title=”‘ .htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro_caption) .'”‘;
    endif; ?>
    src=”<?php echo htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro); ?>” alt=”<?php echo htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro_alt); ?>”/></a>

    and inform me the result 🙂

    hariorama Friend

    fantastic saguaros. many thanks.

    one more thing: do you have any idea, how i can get the old images to crop, which i uploaded via joomlack editor, in category layout?

    1. 2
    Saguaros Moderator


    What do you mean by ‘old images’ here? As in demo site, images are added via ‘Images and Links’ section in article configuration: http://i.imgur.com/Qhbgllx.png


    hariorama Friend

    yes, thats what i am doing now. but before (teline iv, joomla 1.5 and joomla 2.5) i uploaded via joomlack editor the articles and images.

    all my old articles have now with ja_argo strange image size.

    Saguaros Moderator

    These images may be generated with different size due to different usage in # modules. Did you try to change default template to telineiv template and check these images’ sizeagain?

    hariorama Friend

    to use telive iv is no more an option. with teline iv i used bk-mulit-thumb plugin to get good thumbnails, which is now also no more an option.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi again,

    As in demo site, the Home menu item has type of Category Blog and the images should be retrieved from Images and Links by default so I think its good to continue input images in that way.


    joomdude808 Friend

    How would you accomplish this in the K2 Category page? Make the blocks clickable links that is.

    Css Magician Friend

    <em>@joomdude808 375421 wrote:</em><blockquote>How would you accomplish this in the K2 Category page? Make the blocks clickable links that is.</blockquote>

    Hi joomdude808,

    I checked JA Argo, image is linkable in K2 Category Page.


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