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  • majali Friend

    I placed the image map code in Choose the destination module but it did not work, the images is not linkable

    the code it’s tested on Front Page

    <img src=”images/sampledata/choosedestination2.png” border=”0″ alt=”” width=”413″ height=”224″ />
    <map id=”_Image-Maps_5201205080442163″ name=”Image-Maps_5201205080442163″>
    <area title=”” shape=”rect” coords=”10,10,166,208″ href=”http://vaytour.com/index.php/destination” alt=”” />

    <area title=”” shape=”rect” coords=”171,10,258,70″ href=”http://vaytour.com/index.php/destination/europe” alt=”” />


    any idea to solve this problem please?
    Thank you

    HeR0 Friend

    I checked your site and can see the module is working now. May be is cache and cookie, please clean all and check again


    majali Friend

    Hi Hung,
    Thanks God, problem is solved, it was not about cash because I have tested it on 4 browsers, it did not worked
    The problem was : joomla html editor removes mapping code
    For example: this the code
    <img src=”planets.gif” width=”145″ height=”126″ alt=”Planets” usemap=”#planetmap” />

    <map name=”planetmap”>
    <area shape=”rect” coords=”0,0,82,126″ href=”sun.htm” alt=”Sun” />
    <area shape=”circle” coords=”90,58,3″ href=”mercur.htm” alt=”Mercury” />

    The editor removes usemap=”#planetmap” automaticity that’s why the image does not have any link
    The solution is
    •just turn off your text editor (user manager, set editor to “no editor” for yourself)
    • edit the article, paste the html into it, and save
    • your html will be safe. remember to turn your editor back on after.
    • then, you forget to set your editor to “no editor” next time you edit that article and save it, erasing your code again 🙂

    Thank you

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  majali 12 years, 7 months ago.

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