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  • subfighter Friend

    i have the same issue.. is there any solution here.. as i updated to the JA Teline II 1.6

    and my Joomla is 1.5.7

    I see there is a list of other people that are having the same issue.. As some of the images where showing in the JANEWS and JANEWSFP and other were not..

    If you click the READ MORE or on the article the correct images are there..

    it has to do JANEWS modules as i finally notice its looking for the file in all LOWERCASE even though the actual filename has UPPERCASEin it.????

    Warning: getimagesize(/home2/sftv/public_html/images/stories/mma_fighters/t/thales-leites.gif) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/sftv/public_html/modules/mod_janews/helper.php on line 74

    and the actual filename is /home2/sftv/public_html/images/stories/mma_fighters/t/Thales-Leites.gif

    this was not an issue before as i have over 3300 articles and need a solution quick..


    please advise

    Sherlock Friend

    please reinstall by latest version of 2 modules

    subfighter Friend

    i download the latest package and uninstalled and reinstalled the to modules.


    and it still the same problem.. please help me fix ASAP.. you can look at the site and see the issue http://www.subfighter.tv

    once i updated i got this issue.. now i am stuck waiting for a fix.. as other here had the same issue but they did not know why..

    like i mentioned above its changing the case of the filenames to all lowercase..


    you mentioned to download the 2 modules and reinstall them which i did.. Should they be from the package. give me a link with the fixed modules to install.

    help ASAP as my site format is all screwed up now


    subfighter Friend

    <em>@nguoiabcd 80771 wrote:</em><blockquote>please reinstall by latest version of 2 modules</blockquote>

    where link for 2 latest modules you mention. :confused:

    mayke Friend

    It happenned to me too but it works when the resize image folder and all folders under of it is set to 777
    they comes up…
    This is happenned to me when I made some changes to the name of “demo” folder at :
    images/stories/demo (“demo folder”) to news name….
    forsure that I have to change also in the folder :
    image/resize/demo (“demo folder”) to news name too
    and set all folders too to : 777

    subfighter Friend

    <em>@mayke 80950 wrote:</em><blockquote>It happenned to me too but it works when the resize image folder and all folders under of it is set to 777
    they comes up…
    This is happenned to me when I made some changes to the name of “demo” folder at :
    images/stories/demo (“demo folder”) to news name….
    forsure that I have to change also in the folder :
    image/resize/demo (“demo folder”) to news name too
    and set all folders too to : 777</blockquote>

    its not a permission or ownership.. it can not find the filename to change and resize because it changing and looking for the filename in all lowercase so if you have and uppercase in the original file name then it will not work:?

    someone from JOOMLART please respond… if i change the the filename located in the stories directory to all lowercase then in properly creates the the RESIZE thumbnail and display correctly..>:(


    subfighter Friend

    <blockquote>Warning: getimagesize(/home2/sftv/public_html/images/stories/mma_fighters/r/randycouture8.gif) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/sftv/public_html/modules/mod_janews/helper.php on line 74</blockquote>

    here is the error that I am getting… as i already described above.. so i looked up the the line the helper.php


    function jaResize($image,$max_width,$max_height){
    $path =JPATH_SITE;
    $sizeThumb = getimagesize(JPATH_SITE.'/'.$image);
    $width = $sizeThumb[0];
    $height = $sizeThumb[1];
    if(!$max_width && !$max_height) {
    $max_width = $width;
    $max_height = $height;

    so if i comment out the then the images are displayed????


    can you please provide a proper fix

    subfighter Friend

    <em>@nguoiabcd 80771 wrote:</em><blockquote>please reinstall by latest version of 2 modules</blockquote>

    can you verify this please and help fix

    Sherlock Friend

    you can edit helper.php(modulesmod_janews folder)
    Search line:

    Comment it
    Search line:

    $ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($image, '.'), 1));
    Change to

    $ext = (substr(strrchr($image, '.'), 1));

    And search line:

    $rzname = strtolower(substr($image, 0, strpos($image,'.')))."_{$tn_width}_{$tn_height}.{$ext}";
    Change to

    $rzname = (substr($image, 0, strpos($image,'.')))."_{$tn_width}_{$tn_height}.{$ext}";

    subfighter Friend

    <em>@nguoiabcd 81482 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi
    you can edit helper.php(modulesmod_janews folder)
    Search line:


    Comment it
    Search line:

    $ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($image, '.'), 1));

    Change to

    $ext = (substr(strrchr($image, '.'), 1));

    And search line:

    $rzname = strtolower(substr($image, 0, strpos($image,'.')))."_{$tn_width}_{$tn_height}.{$ext}";

    Change to

    $rzname = (substr($image, 0, strpos($image,'.')))."_{$tn_width}_{$tn_height}.{$ext}";

    thanks will this be something i need to change each time in future updates..

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  subfighter 16 years, 3 months ago.

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