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  • writetoshare Friend


    I’m using mod_jaslideshow2 module with “lime” template. I have a problem with images shown up on the slideshow. It seems images are resized in a wrong way and corrupted.

    Could you please help me? It is urgent.

    Saguaros Moderator

    1) you should choose images having good quality. and have width and height greater than its thumbnails
    2) the module have 2 options to render thumbnail: 1) cropping, 2) or Resizing, you chose one of them to get nice thumbnails on your module

    writetoshare Friend

    Thanks for the reply.
    I have good quality images, there is no problem when these images shown in the content. The problem only occurs on the slideshow.
    How can I choose render humbnail options? I couldn’t find.
    Also, when I edit the module, I have stage settings and navigation setting. In both sections I have item width and height, which one I should pay attention to so that it becomes greater then its thumbnails?

    gauranga Friend

    I have a similar issue with the slideshow module, which I am trying out on Localhost. I just seem not able to get the bottom border only top, left and right. Why? I am using Lime.

    Anonymous Moderator

    <em>@gauranga 225018 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have a similar issue with the slideshow module, which I am trying out on Localhost. I just seem not able to get the bottom border only top, left and right. Why? I am using Lime.</blockquote>


    As free member, you are using our template (JA Lime) piratically. Support are available to paid members only, pls subscribe the membership to get our technical assistance.

    emeyer Friend

    Hi, I just purchased JAEC, and I am on 7-day trail now. It works as expected for a while, then periodically the image in the slideshow (not the thumbnail) stops being resized to fit the stated area and expands to fill the entire display area. Do I need to make custom news items with exactly sized images?


    thuanlq Friend

    <em>@emeyer 227926 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi, I just purchased JAEC, and I am on 7-day trail now. It works as expected for a while, then periodically the image in the slideshow (not the thumbnail) stops being resized to fit the stated area and expands to fill the entire display area. Do I need to make custom news items with exactly sized images?


    Hi Emeyer,

    If you want show slideshow as demo page, please do as following:
    – Open the slideshow article items, then edit content ( click on “toggle editor” button ). Then input some html code as:

    <img class="jaslideshow-main" src="images/stories/slideshow/banner01.png" border="0" alt="Sample Image" title="Sample Image" />
    <img class="jaslideshow-thumb" src="images/stories/slideshow/banner01-thumb.png" border="0" style="display: none;" />

    – the image have class=”jaslideshow-main”, it will use for main slide image.
    – the image have class=”jaslideshow-thumb”, it will use for thumb image of slideshow.

    If your content not have two class, the slideshow will auto get a image in article content to resize.


    minhbao Friend

    Hi thuanlq,
    I install sildeshow 3 into Anion template, images in slideshow’s ok, images be get from article (category) but articles show in sildeshow not show images (althought I inserted images into article ).
    http://awesomescreenshot.com/0809npb0e – >> Slideshow show images good
    http://awesomescreenshot.com/0bb9npee8 ->> Images show in category
    http://awesomescreenshot.com/0019npp2b ->> Images not show in detail article
    Please help me sold this problem.
    Minh Bao

    emeyer Friend

    I did discover the problem for my site after three days, when moving from development to Internet server, the images show up once, but then disappear, for every image on the site; and the slideshow plugin thinks the image are cached and appropriately sized, but it’s actually displaying the originals.

    The reason which several other folks found also was, the ordering of the plugins in Joomla 1.6 is incorrect. Also, it is intalled incorrectly by Joomlat installers. The SEF plugin needs to be loaded before cache plugins. Both the Joomla and the S3 cache plugin should be after teh SEF plugin. Then it worked properly on my site, I would have written sooner but I’m several days behind schedule now, sorry.

    emeyer Friend

    I should mention, if I were still working in a Japanese company, the engineers would have politley stopped talking to me, and then my manager would have come around my cuibe telling me to stop bothering people and shut up….anyway here’s more on what I think is happening.

    If SEF is before cache, the SEF results aren’t cached, so moving the SEF plugin above the cache plugin decreases performance.

    However, after moving site to a different subdirectory, or changing pages, then the cached results include the old URI remapped by SEF and are therefore invalid. Initially, after moving site, the cached SEF URIs may continue to serve requests from the old location (if it is still active, or still cached) . As soon as the cache pages are marked expired, the site stops working.

    If SEF is performed before caching, SEF receives the virtual URL, rather than the actual URL, so the results remain valid after moving the site root to a different physcial directory root.

    thuanlq Friend

    Hi Minh Bao,

    Is the image of this article in article’s introtext?, this problem was cause article detail page, that doesn’t allow showing the article’s introtext. To resolve this problem, please do as following:
    – Open and edit this article, click on “Parameters (Advanced)” tab, then choose “Intro Text” = “Show”.
    – Clean cache in your site.


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