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  • Richard A Friend

    The intro image for Joomla articles is 660 x 300 and correctly extends to the full available width, just under the (downarrow) print icon with a module in the right hand column – see the Mountain Bike article intro image in the demo of JA Mitius (category, Sports Games).

    However the image does NOT extend to the correct width in the full article, but has been narrowed for some reason to just short of the sprocket wheel icon.

    The words in the main article extend to the full width and if anything is set to ‘align right’ below the image it extends beyond the edge of the image.

    I thought it was just a bug in the demo but the problem still exists in the latest version of JA Mitius for Joomla 3.0+ when I use the full 660 width for any images – the intro size is fine but the width of the main article image is reduced.

    Is it a simple fix in the template.css file or is there another problem?

    On a different minor note, in case it affects anything, there is a typo in the JA Mitius template.css file at:

    .atrticle-feature .article-intro img {
    display: none;

    Saguaros Moderator


    The image is full to the content section:

    pls post your site url here and tell me how you want to achieve.

    Richard A Friend

    The JA Mitius demo image is not full when I look at it on my screen, is it a browser issue (I use Chrome)

    edit: I just checked the demo and my site on firefox and the images are (full) correct for intro and main content, so it appears to be an issue related to Google Chrome, can it be corrected?

    1. jamitiusdemo
    Saguaros Moderator


    You can try with this way:

    – Open file: templates/ja_mitius/css/custom.css

    – Add this css rule:

    article .pull-left.item-image {
    margin: 0 0 20px 0 !important;

    And let me know if it helps.


    Richard A Friend

    Perfect, thank you Saguaros, really appreciate your help!

    Richard A Friend

    This problem occurs again after updating to t3 v 1.4 and ja_mitius 1.0.4, even with the custom css adjustment that worked before, any suggestions?

    Richard A Friend


    Sorry, ignore my last post, no issue, working fine……

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Richard A 11 years, 5 months ago.

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