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  • dizajn75 Friend


    I have installed JA Trona 1.5.8
    I have changed text in module User 1 (Welcome to JA Trona).
    After I have changed text, image margin property that was set (Right-Margin: 15px) on image has been deleted (dont know why). I have tried to set it, but after clicking on Apply or Save it was cleared.

    Does someone know how to set this Right-Margin: 15px on image, since when I set it after saving it dissapears. Obviously there is some problem to it.

    Does you know solution to this? Thanks in advance

    jay973 Friend

    You could try

    margin-right: 15px;

    Hopr this helps,


    sunrise Friend

    Are you talking about the template.css file, that is deletes itself from this file. That sounds quite unusual to say the least. Maybe if you give a few more details it would be easier to help.

    dizajn75 Friend


    Jason, I have done already before exactly what you wrote, but it is not applied. When I click on image and choose image button and enter above line, it has no effect.
    I noticed when template is installed above margin-right: 15px is applied on image, but when I change template text to my text, this margin setting is not applied.


    jay973 Friend

    I’m sorry I missed a bit out. You need to ensure that “Styles” at the top of the editor is set to “Caption”.

    Hope this helps,


    dizajn75 Friend


    No, it is not solved. I have set Class to caption and Style to margin-right: 15px

    I think this is bug in Joomla or in module. Not sure, since I do not know about Joomla coding very much.
    But as I am involved in programming, I can tell this is 50% bug or whoopdy-do work of Joomla coders (not tested or implemented well). However if I am doing something wrong, it should catch my action and bring me some information message. This way I do not know what is going on.


    ferrotti Friend

    I have the some problem. With option in the back end don’t think is possible corect this error…I need to try on the source file? evrytime I need cange the text I need edit the source file?! :S

    sunrise Friend

    Hi there, I went back to check on the Quickstart, and the only text to change on that module is:

    <img src=”images/stories/demo/sam-15.png” border=”0″ alt=”Sample image” align=”left” /> Auctor felis hendrerit a Cum In et Maecenas Aenean convallis quis. Nonummy Nullam felis magnis condimentum a adipiscing

    If you just change the text in this and add your own picture with the same dimentions as the original, does it still happen? It should stay the same, no?

    dizajn75 Friend


    I think it was a joomla bug.
    But there is workaround for this. I have just added margin on picture (15 pixels) and it solved it.


    ferrotti Friend


    I have try to add margin on the backend, but don’t have solved 🙁

    (ps: sorry my english)

    EDIT: maybe the good solution is make the png with 15px trasparent at the right the image…u think is a good idea or not?

    dizajn75 Friend

    Yes, I have resolved it that way. It is good workaround 😀

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